Diamonds, Mistletoe and Garland

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Many warriors were in the stock house preparing the vast amounts of venison to last them the entire winter, others warriors were chopping many piles of wood to keep the castle warm until spring, and the rest of the warriors went in the forest with their Laird to chop Christmas trees to decorate all two hundred and fifty rooms of Ravens Wood castle.

The elegant women of the castle were busy hanging mistletoes and garland, Cook was busy in the kitchen ordering around a few servant girls to fill the freshly baked scones with jelly, many of the servants were outdoors collecting an assortment of berries to make more jams, and all the children of the household dressed warmly and raced outdoors to built a snowman.

Lady Mara and Alana were sitting in the tearoom making a list of baby names.

"Mayhap you should name him Immanuel, 'tis a name fit for a king!" Lady Mara said, satisfied that she finally came up with a name that sounded powerful.

"Immanuel?" Alana asked softly, "I was thinking more of a name like Ariel."

"Why that's a lovely name, we shall look no further then. Ariel is a beautiful name that befits my grandson!" Lady Mara said, knowing full well that the name Ariel was chosen to compliment archangel Gabriel, but she remained quiet not wanting to ruin this perfect moment, however, she couldn't help wonder how Evan would feel when he hears of Alana's name choice.

Alana was satisfied with the chosen name. She had pondered many weeks on the namesake and found that Ariel was the perfect choice. He was after all a special baby, he is half angel and half Druid, and the name will suit him just fine, she thought, as she looked away and swallowed a lump in her throat. She hoped her husband and her mother in law didn't realize why she so desperately wanted to name her child this name.

This was Gabriel's child, a permanent reminder of her love for the archangel, and she wondered if this would affect Evan in the way he cares for her child. Would he be fare and raise him as his, or will he abuse or ignore the child to pay her back for giving her heart to another.


Lady Mara's voice brought her back to reality and Alana turned to face her mother in law. "Aye."

"Are you having second thoughts about the namesake?" Lady Mara asked with a hopeful voice.

Embarrassed by her question, knowing full well that her mother in law did not really approve of the namesake Alana had chosen, she responded quickly, "Nay, I'm content with the name."


Evan searched the entire day for the right tree to bring home to his wife. He was looking for a huge tree that would grace the Great hall, and truth be told he wanted her approval.

"Laird, we have found and cut over two hundred trees of all shape and sizes." One of the warriors said, as he came forth to stand in front of the Laird.

"Take them to the castle and order the woman and children to start making the decorations. I'll be home shortly."

"Aye Laird!" The man said and returned to the warriors and gave the order to transport the trees home.

Evan continued his search, he wanted his tree to be the biggest and the prettiest on the land. He wanted to please his wife and mayhap they can start over. He was tired of the coldness between them and wanted to to make her fall in love with him.

My Highlander, My Love, Part Three:Forbidden Love, The Greatest Love Story Ever Told.Where stories live. Discover now