Secrets and Monsters

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"Master, Gabriel will pass the test, he is determined to stay strong to his faith!"

"Yes that is true, I always knew he would." The Master said calmly.

The enlightened beings all looked at each other confused with the Masters words. "Master, If you knew it then why are you putting him through the test?"

"Because he needs to realize his own strengths and powers."

"What about the girl, is it fair for her not to have a soulmate when everyone else gets one?" The youngest being asked.

The Master sighed, "You ask to many questions, you need to work on patience."

"Please Master, just answer this and I will not bother you again with questions."

Silence fell among the beings as they all waited for the Masters answer. They too wondered what will happen to the girl.

"Gabriel and Alana are not soulmate's, archangels do not have soulmate's in the same sense that humans do. Gabriel's love for Alana is unconditional, but it is not a sexual thing, it is a soulmate connection in a whole other way. He will always love her and be her guardian angel as long as she exists, but her true soulmate in the human sense is the blacksmith." The Master said and walked away.

The beings all looked at each other more confused than ever. "If that's all it is between Gabriel and Alana, then why doesn't Gabriel want to be around Alana, what is he worried about?"

The Master stopped walking and turned around. "He is not worried about himself, archangels can not feel the feelings that the humans are burden with, he is worried about Alana, she will not be able to find peace if he chooses to stay with her. In order for her to fall in love with the blacksmith and recognize that he is her soulmate, Gabriel will have to get out of the picture."

"But we saw him begging for mercy at a moment of weakness a few times, if he doesn't have those kind of human feelings than why would he need to ask for mercy?"

"There are times when Gabriel has to lower his frequencies to be closer to the humans to help them in time of need, when that happens he is dangerously close to feeling as a human would, because of the low energies around him. Do not worry about him, Gabriel is an archangel and is powerful and strong enough to overcome any obstacle that's comes his way. That is why he was chosen for this position. Now, have I answered all your questions? Can we now move on with the next lesson?"


Kalan was fuming with anger, and Hawk did everything he could to calm him, "You need not worry about my daughter Kalan, Violet's love is strong for you, you mustn't let a few rumors destroy what is in your heart."

"Of course you would say such things, you are her father! You know what I have been through with Prilla, how can I trust another woman after that?"

"My daughter is not just another woman, she is your soulmate and that makes a difference, and if you don't realize that than you don't deserve her!" Hawk said

The Seelie King did not like the tone of voice that his second in command was using when he was addressing him, "Then why does your daughter refuse to set a wedding date? I am getting restless, my people are questioning her behavior and soon I will lose the trust of my people!"

"I can see that you have little faith in Violet, mayhap it would be wise to find yourself another queen, Violet can not be rushed into marriage if her heart is not ready!" Hawks jaw twitched with anger and it did not go unmissed by the King.

Raising an eye brow, the Fay asked the one question that bothered him the most, "Has your loyalty to me diminished Hawk? Do you wish to resign from your position as my second in command?"

Taking a deep breath of inhalation, Hawk walked toward the King until he was a breath away. Everyone considered him the Kings equal in every way, but Hawks true love and respect for his friend and King was unmeasurable. "My King, you know my loyalty to you is strong and never ending! Have I not proven it to you my entire life? Have I not fought by your side in all the wars against our enemies? Have I not shown you my love for you by giving you my eldest daughter? Why do you question what is in my heart?

Kalan looked away, he was ashamed of himself for feeling weak and scared. He knew that Hawks loyalty and love was rock solid, but he was frightened of losing Violet, without her, he was nothing, he thought with desperation.

Hawk read the worry in his Kings eyes, "You must guard your faith and never lose it Kalan, or you will destroy any chance of happiness with my daughter. No one knows her better than I, and I know that she adores you." Hawk reassured him.


The entire day Camran stayed away from his cabin, not wanting to face Sarah, but could not stop thinking of her, and as the day wore on, he decided that he would take her the dinner tray himself.

"Captain, she doesn't like pork, so I made her chicken instead!" Cook told him.

"Is that right?" Camran asked and raising an eyes brow, "and how would you know that?"

Cooks toothless grin disappeared and he dropped his gaze to the floor when he answered. "I took her her lunch myself and she told me."

Camran rolled his eyes, great, he thought, now cook is smitten with her too. He made a mental note not to allow the wench out of his cabin, he couldn't have his mates fighting for her, it would put them all in danger. Grabbing the tray from Cooks hands, the Druid marched to his cabin to set the record straight, she was not allowed to talk to his mates. Period.

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