How is it Possible?

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"How is it possible that you can see me?" Leathan asked, as he placed his huge hands on Jackie's shoulders. 

"Please sir," Jackie cried, "please don't kill me!"

Leathan dropped his hands to his side, "Why would you think that I would kill you?" 

"I....well....I..." Jackie stuttered.

"Tis not possible for a human to see me in my invisible state, yet you did see me!" Leathan wondered who this woman was that has the gift to see a Fay in his invisible form. "Who are you?".

"My name is Jackie." She told him, already feeling comfortable around him as the fear inside her disappeared.

"Jackie? Are you human?" 

"What? Of course I'm human, who else but humans live on this planet?" She joked, and her eyes sparkled with excitement. 

"You'd be surprised Jackie." placing a finger under her chin, Leathan titled Jackie's head back. "You're abosolutely beautiful!" He said more to himself than to her.

Their eyes met amd locked, and Leathan's narrowed his eyes at her, "Have you and I met before, you seem a bit familiar." 

Jackie pulled herself away from him, "No we haven't, I would have remembered if I have seen you before!" 

"Likewise, but here's a hint of recognition when I look into your eyes. How long have you known Tinesha?" He asked her out of no where.

Jackie hesitated for a second before she told him everything, and he failed to understand how Tinesha could take in her home a stranger without first screening her. "Can you keep secrets?" 

"You mean not say anything about you walking through stone walls?"

"Yes, can you keep that to yourself?" 

"I guess, I mean, even if I tell anyone, no one will believe me anyhow!"

"That's good, don't say a word, go back inside before you catch your death cold and I will see you soon." He told her, and a small smile curved his lips, "it will be our secret."

Jackie smiled and turned around, she walked back inside the lounge and went straight to her table. Tinesha looked upset and Jackie braced herself for an outburst. "Where the hell were you, and don't tell me the bathroom, because I checked and you were not there!" 

"I went out for a breath of fresh air, I felt a little nauseated." Jackie lied, as she sat on her chair, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.

Tinesha's facial features relaxed and she placed her hand on top of Jackie's. "Please don't ever give me a scare again, I feel as though you are my responsibility and I want to make sure you are safe at all times!"

Jackie's heart warmed, Tinesha was a very nice person amd she was glad that she fell into her hands. 


Charles felt sick to his stomach, he missed his soulmate and was in desperate need to see her again. Lifting himself off the bench, he decided to walk back to his downtown Manhattan loft, and feel sorry for himself as he drank himself to sleep.

It was well after midnight, but the streets of Manhattan where still crowded with people walking around hopping from one club to the next. Every single female that walked next to or in front of Charles could not help but admire the giant hunk, who's muscles rippled with every step that he took. Wearing only a shirt and a pair of jeans, not feeling the dreaded cold that blasted around him, Charles was a sight to behold. The air whipped across his face, blowing his thick mane of golden hair over his shoulders showing off his handsome chiseled face, but Charles was not aware of all the attention that was drawn to him, he was mourning the loss of the love of his life. 

A huge crowd had huddled together at the corner to keep warm, as they waited for the red light to change to green. Across the way in the opposite direction, were hordes of people also waiting to cross to the other side. When the red light changed to green, the two groups started walking towards each other. Charles was among the last of them to walk across the street, because he was deep in thought and not focused on his surroundings. 

"Come on Jackie, walk faster before the light changes and you get stuck in the middle of traffic!" Tinesha yelled over her shoulders as she and Fatema followed the crowd to the other side of the street. Jackie almost tripped over her feet as she hurriedly raced to catch up with her friends, but as she was half way across the street she was suddenly aware of something strange in the pit of her stomach. She lifted her head and pinned her green eyes on a tall man who was walking in the opposite direction.

Charles was almost to the other side when his golden eyes fell on a pair of green eyes staring right at him. A bolt of lightening surged through his heart and shook him violently as he walked passed the green eyed woman, and when he reached the other side, he stopped and slowly turned around at the same time that the woman on the other side of the street turned to face him.

Time stood still as the two souls recognized each other and their energy began to spark wildly, "It's you!" 

"Aye, I'm here!" 

I've missed you!"

"And I you!" 

The two souls spoke to each other, and their energy tried to reach across the distance to connect, but at that moment, Tinesha pulled Jackie by her arm.

"Come on Jackie, or we will freeze to death!" She yelled, as she dragged her friend away from the curb.

Charles watched as the the green eyed woman walked away with her friends and was left wondering what the hell had just happened. Who was that woman, and why was he left overwhelmed with grief? What connection was there between him and her, he wondered, as he crossed the street and followed after them, troubled by the fact that a stranger had such an effect on him. 

Note: Aphroditis was named Jackie after a fan who requested to have a character named after her, so Jackie enjoy your name, Xoxxoxoxo 

For those of you who celebrated Thanks Giving yesterday, I hope you all had a great day. Mine was wonderful, spent with my family and extended family!!! There is much to be grateful for, and I thank GOD every day of my life.

thank you for your votes and comments xoxxoxoxxoxxo

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