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The inside of the castle was more beautiful than she ever expected it would be. Glancing around the huge Grand Hall, tears formed in April's eyes, and she was surprised and mystified by her own reaction, but she pushed aside her thoughts and questions that raced through her mind and tried to listen to what the director was saying.

"This room has been restored many times over the years to keep up the appearance it has today, but in all reality when catastrophe hit Scotland and the Druids were all wiped out by the dark forces according to legend, this castle has never been the same. Legend says that the McCalister's still live today and protect the world from evil, but of course such myths stay alive because of the strong beliefs of the Scottish people who have kept such story telling alive within their circle's." The director of tourism said, "please follow me up to the second floor of the castle and we can visit the famous chambers where the McCalister's and their brides slept. There are two hundred bed chambers and each one is unique in itself."

"Mother you go with the group, I will be fine here, maybe I can visit the private library and see all the famous books which the director spoke of." April told her mother.

"Are you sure dear you will be alright by yourself, I mean, this castle is huge and I don't want you to get lost."

"Mother, the library is right over there, how can I get lost?" April asked, pointing down the hall, excited to be on her own and explore this ancient castle.

"Ok dear, but I shan't be long, be careful." Marilyn told her daughter before she followed the tourist group up the grand staircase.

April wheeled herself to the private library and her mouth dropped open once she was inside. There were guards outside the door, who made sure that no one walked out of the library with the precious books that belonged to the McCalister's, the books inside the library were now national treasures and needed to be guarded well. She was amazed at how well organized and smart the McCalister's were to create such a room where so much knowledge was within reach even  though it was eight hundred years ago. Where did they get their materials back then, how was it even possible that these books existed back in those times she wondered as she rolled her wheelchair to the far east corner of the room where a grand selection of books were shelved.

Reaching out her hand, Aprils fingers caressed the special editions softly, and she closed her eyes for just a moment to envision the McCalister's in this room, when to her surprise the  wall unit opened up and glided to the left. She popped open her eyes and her heart stopped beating, as she looked around her to see if anyone was there to explain to her what was happening, but it seemed that no one was the wiser.

She rolled closer to the opening and all of the sudden she had an urge to lift herself up. Her legs automatically pushed her body into a standing position and April found herself walking through the opening. Out of her mind with a million and one questions, she started to run down the stairs without even questioning the fact that she had use of her legs.

Runes that lay on the side of each step lighted with every step that April took, lightening the way for her to go down the long stairway. April was speechless as she finally found herself on the bottom floor standing in front of a cast iron door. Without realizing what she was doing, April placed her palm on the iron door and it opened. Her jaw dropped open when she walked inside the magic room and looked around.

The fact that she was walking hadn't registered in her mind yet, as her eyes twinkled with surprise at what was before her. She felt peace in her heart, and a joy that overwhelmed her to tears. Pulling a book off the shelf of many, April flipped through the pages quickly knowing that at any minute someone might notice that she was down here and call security.

Words and letter's sprang forth, written in the ancient Scottish tongue that has now been dead for ages, but somehow April was able to understand what she was reading, her heart pounded wildly against her chest, how was it possible that she knew this ancient language? The pages to the book turned on their own as if they wanted her to read a particular section as the letters jumped out at her.

"I And it is written that she who has the DNA of the rare bloodline that is of royal decent, holds the key to all the Emerald Tablets and all the secrets of the universe. Julia McCalister, wife to Edward McCalister, daughter of Gregor and Marilyn McCane, is the single human in the world of this dimension that can unlock all that is."

"Miss are you all right, can I get you a glass of water?" One of the guards said as he came running inside the library.

April opened her eyes and blinked a few times trying to focus, she was back in her wheel chair to her dismay, had she dreamt it all? Was she so tired that she had fallen into a deep sleep and her mind dreamt everything that she had seen and felt? That must be what happened, for she knew that she could not walk.

"I'm fine thank you, must have fallen into a daze, I'm sorry." April said quickly, throwing a dazzling smile at the young guard who looked at her as if he wanted to kiss her. Blushing, April rolled herself out of the library and made her way to the hallway, ignoring the young guard who couldn't keep his eyes off her.

She was left breathless and disorientated, and wondered what the hell had just happened. Something strange was going on and it frightened her. Could the new prescription drugs she was ordered by her doctor to take before she left America be the reason for her daydreams, she wondered, as she rolled herself to the doorway and exited out of the grand castle.

Fresh air caressed her face and she closed her eyes and took a deep breath of inhalation, perhaps she got too excited when she saw the handsome couple earlier and she imagined the scene down in the magic room,  maybe a little fresh air will help her to recuperate, it would not do her any good if she hallucinates again, her mother will just make her take some more drugs and that's the last thing that she needed, April thought.

Looking around the grounds, April decided to go behind the castle, she was curious to see the dwellings gardens. Ignoring the warning signs that were posted on the side walls that read  'at your own risk'  April wheeled herself to a shaded place where wild lilies banked the side of the house. About a few hundred yards from where she was, April saw what once might have been a most beautiful piece of art work. Placing her hands on the wheels, she rolled herself all the way to where a huge water fountain stood.

Lifting her head up, Aprils appreciating gaze took in every square inch of the magnificent structual jewel that once had graced the gardens of the McCalister's home. She was left dumbstruck by its beauty, for even though it had seen better days and it was worn out and looked as if it was about to collapse, it was still beautiful, and April could not take her eyes off it. She lost herself in the moment as she admired the huge fountain and did not take noticed when everything around her came to life.

The carpet of grass was suddenly rich with color as every blade came to life, flowers of all shapes and colors brightened the gardens in all its splendor. Birds flew over the fountain and drank from the flowing water that cascaded over the fountain structure. It was as if April was in the garden of Eden.

April was afraid to breath, fearing she would disturb her sleep and she would wake up, for she had to be dreaming again, she just had to be.

And then she saw them, they were a few feet away from her embraced in a tender loving moment. It was the warrior and the beauty again. Aprils heart stopped beating as she waited to see what would happen next.

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