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Colorful lights flashed throughout the romantic streets of Cairo as Kainaaz drove the jeep slowly to enjoy the view of the densely populated city's nightlife.The young beauty loved Egypt very much, and was especially captivated with its most famous remnants of this ancient country. Everything about it enthralled her to pieces, and it was to her delight that she was the one chosen for this project.

Stealing a sideway glance she couldn't help but smile, the mummy was now relaxed in his seat as he starred out the window with curiousity. Kainaaz could not help but notice his striking, chiseled features, as he sat quietly, observing everything in his view, as if he was soaking it all up.

"I have to find clothes for you to wear, maybe George will borrow us something from his wardrobe." She knew that his mind had wondered off, but she kept on talking, "you are much taller and way more muscular than he is but beggars can't be choosers. You will need clothes for the interview tomorrow, I'm going to hold a press conference and you must be presentable."

"Nay! I have clothes and there is no time for a price confer," Balloch said in a firm and unwavering voice. "I must get to Scotland as soon as I can!"

"Silly, it's a press conference, not a price confers!" Kainaaz corrected him, "and I am holding a press conference and you are going to be there! It's the least you can do to help me since I saved your ass from sleeping another thousand years!"

Balloch turned his head and faced the young woman. There was nothing that he wanted more than to stay an extra few days in Egypt and bed the wench, his. His balls have been itching to have her since the time by he woke up, but he knew how crucial it is to go immediately to Scotland and try to time travel to his era before the witch finds him first.

"You must take me to Scotland, it's imperative I get there as soon as possible!" The Druid said in a clear and demanding tone of voice.
Pushing away a strand of hair that fell like a curtain over her face, Asia then wiped her sweaty forehead with the back of her hand. The huge kitchen was very hot, three brick ovens were working non stop to cook dinner for over three hundred people for dinner and the Druidess felt like she was overheating.

"Tie your hair back or I will be forced to chop it off!" The Cook of Dukesworth growled, "you are not here to look pretty, you are here to work, no one cares if you are a Macalister, in this kitchen you are and will always be a servant! Now get moving before I clobber you with this!" Cook raised her hand holding the wooden rolling stock in her hands and waved it in front of Asia.

Asia did not respond to Cooks nasty remark, instead she followed orders and kept her mouth shut not wanting to draw any more attention to herself. Pulling a pink ribbon from her apron pocket that another servant girl gave her, she quickly tied her long, thick hair in a pony tail, and continued to sprinkle sugar over the blueberry scones.

"Move faster Alana, you are already behind three trays and Cook will have you working overtime tonight. She will make you wash all the pots and pans by yourself and last time I was assigned that task I didn't finish till four in the morning!" A servant girl leaned in and whispered.

Asia threw a cold look at Cook and picked up speed, not wanting to stay up all night cleaning the kitchen, but she vowed that when things get straightened out and she returns to Sterlinshire, she will curse the McNeil name to hell and back!


By the time the sun set, the McNeil clan  was tired and hungry as hell. Dropping their weapons, they all marched to the river bank to wash up. Blane's nostrils flared, the aroma of Cooks delicious veal and potatoes was dominating the air around him and his stomach growled.

The Druid took a deep breath of inhalation, his mind was consumed with images of Asia and it was difficult to concentrate during the drills. Cursing under his breath for allowing the enemy to cripple his mind with thoughts of her, Blane marched over to the river and jumped in.

The cold water splashed everywhere, wetting the Warriors that were standing nearby, but Blane took no notice, he was in his own little world.

The Laird watched his son and shook his head. He knew that Blane was having a difficult time during the drills, one had to only look him in his silver grey eyes to see that he was tormented. His son was in love with the Macalister girl and that thought angered the laird to pieces. He must hurry and find a bride for him before it is too late, he thought, as he hastily walked towards his son.

"I'll rot in hell before any son of mine hooks up with a Macalister!" He swore under his breath as he made his way to Blane.

"Blane," he bellowed, "get your arse over here!"

Blane walked to his fathers side, "aye father."

"I am going to throw a party on Sunday in your honor, and I will invite all of Scotland's noble families." The Laird bragged, "we will celebrate your return!"

"Father please, I am not in a mood to be celebrating. I just want to rest and enjoy my leisure time catching up with my brothers!"

"Are you going to deprive your father the chance to celebrate his pride and joy?" The Laird asked, his eyes pierced into those of his sons. "Your mother waited many years to have you back and you would take away the joy of seeing you again?"

Blane's shoulders drooped, he couldn't take that away from his mother, he knew that she had suffered greatly in his absence. "Very well then, but don't invite the royal family, just the nearby clans, and try to limit it to a two day ordeal, I'm not going to entertain them for an entire week! I want to go hunting and also I would like to attend the games!"

His father raised an eyebrow, "The games?" He asked with interest, "Aye, that's an excellent idea! I have word that Princess Oxana of Ireland will be attending, a match between you and her would be the best thing that ever happened to our family, mayhap I can invite her family to our celebration and the two of you can get acquainted!"

Blane watched his father walk away and rolled his eyes, a wife was the last thing he needed in his life right now, he thought with dismay, and without warning he


The servant girl stopped in her tracks and took a few steps backwards to peek inside the sitting room. She watched as Oxana squealed with delight and hugged her younger sister.

"I'm so happy I could cry!" Oxana declared before she jumped up and down with excitement.

"Pray tell sister, what has gotten into you!" Oxana little sister asked, surprised by this sudden burst of excitement from her older sister.

"Didn't you hear? We have received an invitation to a celebration on McNeal land!"

"We have?" Victoria asked, trying to hide her excitement. Last thing she needed was for her sister to find out that she was in love with a McNeal.

"Yes! We leave first thing on the morrow!" Oxanas eyes shined bright with excitement.

"I have to decide what gowns I shall take with me." Sally proclaimed. "Will you help me, mayhap we can convince father to allow us the luxury of bringing the my trunk, I would so love to change after every occasion!"

Oxana heard not what her sister was saying, her thoughts had automatically gone to dream mode. She closed her eyes and Dakotas image haunted her. She was in love with that man ever since she first laid eyes on him two years ago at the wine festival.

It was by chance that he fell into her tent while he was in a drunken stupor

My Highlander, My Love, Part Three:Forbidden Love, The Greatest Love Story Ever Told.Where stories live. Discover now