Gabriels Fall From Grace

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Watching her sleep in peace was anything but easy, the archangel swallowed a lump in his throat. "My heart." He whispered softly, "I love you."

Alana stiffened, his voice was so soothing, his words were not. She was troubled by the fact that he says he loves her, yet he abandoned the love he claims he feels for her.

Faking sleep was not easy, she wanted to throw herself on him and demand he kiss her, but she was afraid he would reject her. Annoyed at herself that she was still in love with an angel that doesn't have the balls to claim her his, afraid that he would lose his title as archangel, she tuned off to his whispers in the semi dark and switched her thoughts to Evan.

"I have loved you from when you were in spirit form Alana, and I will never stop loving you!" Gabriel was suffering and was not able to recover from the pain in his heart.

He wanted to make love to her and claim her his, she is his true soulmate and it is torture that he is not allowed to touch her.

Then suddenly, out of no where, all the pain melted away and he was calm, as peace settled in his heart. His choice to claim her was the right choice, he wanted to share a life with her, he wanted their bodies to become one. Why would a loving God place this burden on him unless he was meant to have her.

His decision to make love to Alana now came easy to him and he felt free of guilt. Why would he be condemned because he fell in love?

Unable to hold off anymore, he took a step forward, my heart, he thought, I am finally going to give you what you have always wanted.

The enlightened beings in Heaven clustered together and watched from above in horror, as the archangel was about to commit one of the biggest sin ever.

The wise one was left breathless, he knew that the angel would fall from grace, but was her love worth all the destruction that would befall the world and the two soulmates if they were to connect?

"Gabriel, beware of the evil that surrounds you and Alana, do not allow your passion to destroy who you are and what you believe in, discipline your cravings which are that of a human and therefor not real. You are Gabriel the archangel of Holy, Gabriel the protector of all that exists. Do not turn your back on your responsibilities for one night of passion, you will be condemned if you do, is this what you want?"

Gabriel was about to kiss Alana's lips when the Wise ones words cut deep in his heart.

"Leave me alone, I love her, she is my soulmate and I want to connect with her!" His voice was hoarse, tortured, and sounded painful, he was beyond saving at this point, not listening to reason, on his way to destruction.

Alana had heard his words, her heart pumped blood wildly and she was lost for words. This is the moment she had waited for her entire life. The truth was she loved him with all her heart and all her soul.

"Gabriel!" Her voice was husky, full of emotion, in need of desperate love.

Gabriel's wings folded and disappeared, suddenly he was naked as he stood beside her bed.

Alana feasted her eyes on his giant form, never in her life had she witness such masculine perfection. Her hair dropped down her back as she lifted herself to a sitting position desperately waiting for his touch. Needing him more than she needed the air that she breathed.

Gabriel's stood with his muscular thighs spread apart, Alana could see his iron chest heaved with strength and power. When she looked up into his passion filled eyes, she saw all the love that he felt for her and choking sobs engulfed her.

"I want to claim you mine Alana, you belong to me and I shall have you." His husky voice hypnotized her and she almost threw herself at him, but she had questions to ask, things to figure out.

"What about who you are and everything you were meant to be? What about your devotion and loyalty to the Lord?" Alana asked, hoping against hope that he had found a way to be who he was and claim her his in the same breath.

"In my heart of hearts I believe that I was meant to be with you, you are my soulmate Alana, why would I be punished for something that is meant to be?" He reasoned.

Wanting desperately to believe that his words were the truth, she asked, "are you sure I won't be the reason that you lose your wings?"

To make her understand his reason, Gabriel raised his hands in the air and spoke, "Look and see for yourself."

All of the sudden a huge flame of light sparkled out of no where and Alana watched with wide eyes herself in spirit form in the arms of the archangel. They were in Heaven and consumed with everlasting passionate love.

Alana felt all the powerful emotions that emanated from the both of them in Heaven. She felt every single thing that her spirit was feeling and she also felt the electrical shock that he was feeling in Heaven.

"This is us in Heaven before you were torn from my side! I have loved you from the moment of your creation Alana." The torment in his voice was unbearable, Alana waited breathlessly to understand what was happening.

"But you were made for bigger things and not to give up your position for me." Alana who was blown away by all these revelations said, but that didn't stop her from lifting herself off the bed and standing in front of him, naked and in need of his touch.

A masculine groan escaped the archangels lips and he grabbed his soulmate and slammed her against his muscled chest.

"Alana," he whispered, right before his lips crashed against hers.

Unable to hold off anymore, all the passion and love inside him was unleashed and he melted against her as he kissed her with a desperate need that burned like hot lava that had exploded from an eruptive volcano.

Alana kissed him back hungrily, giving her heart and soul to him as if her life depended on it.

Finally when Gabriel pulled his lips always from hers, the archangel stopped only for a second to look into her eyes before he lifted her in his powerful arms and placed her back on the bed before he joined her.

His huge overpowering body melted on top of hers, and his swollen shaft rubbed against Alana's womanhood, and she almost lost all her senses.

Unable to hold off anymore Gabriel positioned himself between Alana's legs and the tip of his shaft was about to plunge inside Alana when a thunderous invisible voice called out, "STOP!"


An earthquake with the magnitude of 5.7 shook the earth as an early warning.

"Mother of Christ!" Stephan yelled as he looked up towards the heavens.

"What happened son, what caused the earthquake?" Michael asked anxiously.

"Tis Alana." He responded in a soft whisper.

"Alana? What about Alana?"

"She is about to betray her faith." Stephan said softly, surprised that the archangel was about to fall from grace.

"Why would Gabriel allow such a thing?"

"In a moment of weakness he has betrayed the Heavens."

"He can't do that, we shall all perish if he turns a blind eye to the impact of his actions!" Michael roared, "go stop him now!"

"I can't, it is solely up to him, I can't interfere with his decision."

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