The Symbol

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"Get off me fool!" Bella meowed, and tried to free herself from Franks heavy weight body.

A few steps away, Edward was holding April in his possessive grip, but as soon as his feet were on solid ground, he dropped her to everyone's surprise.

The courtyard was filled with warriors and ladies of the court, word was given to them about Edwards arrival, and they were all anxious to see Julia, even though they were warned not to mention a single word to Edward about who April really was, because it is his second time around connecting with her, and the second time is done differently in order to make a solid, binding connection, because the golden chain that bound them together the first time has been broken, thus making it much harder for the links to reconnect again.

"Step aside!" Stephan growled as he pushed through the crowd and made his way to the middle of the courtyard. His eyes lowered to April who was laying on the ground and looked to be in tremendous pain. The warrior threw a questioning gaze at Edward and waited for an explanation.

"I have caught the witch, I will make her reverse the spell on our family and then she will burn at the stake!"  

Edwards thunderous voice did nothing to frighten April who was fuming with anger, that she didn't even notice that she was in a different era, nor did it occur to her that she was walking, as she jumoed to her feet, walked up to Edward and slapped him hard across the face.

The crowd gasped with surprise but no one was more surprised than Edward himself. Stephan did not miss the way his uncles eyes turned dangerously cold when April raised her hand to him, nor did he miss his uncles hands at his sides that had curled into fists.

His uncle was a fool, Stephan thought, as a gleam of laughter hazed over his eyes. Edward was in for a rude awaking, and Stephan could not wait to witness Edwards expression on his face when he realizes who April really was.

"Bastard! I will make sure you rot in hell for everything you have done to me!" April yelled.

"Stad or I will break your neck, whore!" Edward yelled, he was losing his patience with her.

Fumig with anger, April raised her hand to strike Edward again, but the Druid caught her arm just in time and twisted it until she almost past out from the excruciating pain.

Frank who was stunned to see that everyone around him was dressed as if they lived in the Middle Ages, jumped to his feet and yelled, "leave her alone!"

All eyes in the courtyard turned on Frank as he marched over to where Edward held April, but the McCalister brothers pulled their swords in front of him and stopped him in his tracks.

"Hey, what the hell is this! Who are you people and how did we get here?" Frank asked, spreading his legs out in a warriors stance.

"Put away your swords, the kid is harmless!" Stephan said to is uncles, and took a few steps closer to Frank. "Welcome to Sterlingshire castle, home of the McCalister Clan, you would do well son to not speak until spoken to, my uncles are not kind to strangers."

Frank heeded the warning and did not say another word. His heart pounded against his muscles chest, how did this happen, was he dreaming this, he thought, or is it for real?

His question was answered when April yelled, "Son of a beast, let go of me!" And kicked Edward in the shin.

Trembling with rage Edward pulled April by her long, golden locks and dragged her toward the castle. "Step away if you value your lives!" The Druid growled to the crowd.

Michael was about to stop Edward from hurting April and knock some sense into him, but Stephan stopped him, "Father stad!" He whispered hoarsely, "if you interrupt Edward he will never fall in love with her and the soulmate connection won't happen! He has to realize who she is all by himself without interruption so the connection can take its course, because this is their second time around and it will be ten times harder. Your bother is hard headed and he will take forever to realize who she is, and until then, there will be great suffering among the two of them and to top it off, when he does realize who she is, he will have a tough time convincing her that she is Julia and not April!"

My Highlander, My Love, Part Three:Forbidden Love, The Greatest Love Story Ever Told.Where stories live. Discover now