The Meeting

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The warrior's filled the huge tent, one by one they marched in and sat in their spot, waiting for the meeting to start. Michael eyes searched the gigantic tent and sighed, Silas was no where to be seen. Cursing under his breath, the Druid made his way to the center of the tent to start his speech.

"With only five days left for Halloween, we need to vote and come to a conclusion! You had twenty four hours to decide, I want everyone's vote today! We all know what we are up against. Deliberations will start following all the announcements. After everything is said and done, we must vote and come to a conclusion by the end of this meeting!" Michael said in a firm amd unwavering voice. 

Stepping aside, Michael motioned for Alexander MacCloud to come forward, "Alexander will explain what we will encounter if we vote not to start the ritual early." 

Alexander came forward and stood in Michael's place, "we stand to lose everything if we don't start the rituals the day before!" The Druid got right to the point. "I suggest we set the ritual in order and prepare to start the prayers the day before. The walls are trembling to come down, and our enemies stand behind it waiting for the opportunity to destroy us! It is written that the moon will turn blood red and all will burn and cease to exist on earth if we don't act immediately!"

There was silence in the tent as the Druid described in horrid detail the outcome of dooms day. "Bones will crush and blood will spill. Your woman and children will be tortured and killed before your very eyes, the world will cease to exist as you know it. You shall die and your enemy shall live, is that what you want?" Alexander looked around the tent, he had everyone's attention, "I implore you, do the right thing amd vote to start the rituals before it is too late amd we all perish!"

There was a loud uproar as every single warrior in the tent yelled out at the same time in favor of starting the ritual the day before Halloween. Michael closed his eyes and took a long deep inhalation of breath. Wiping the sweat off his forehead, he left the tent and headed straight to his tent where his loving wife waited for him. Words were not needed when he dropped his exhausted body on the sleeping mat next to Kyra. She wrapped her arms around him and gave him the comfort for which he seeked. 


Sidri headed straight for the ocean front after the meeting. He was glad that it went well, that was one load off his shoulders, but there was still another burden that burned deep in his heart. The look in Maria's eyes as she spoke to him when he was in disguise. The words that she had said to him thinking he was another man! 

"I have loved you ever since my eyes fell on you that day in Spain at the festival. Not a single day has gone by that I have not thought of you!" She had cried. 

"What of the father of your child, what of him?" 

"He means nothing to me, I want you and only you. Take me with you please." She had begged, and Sidri had died a thousand deaths. 

"I can not take a woman from another man, I am an honorable man and do not touch what doesn't belong to me!" He had told her.

"Please take me with you, I do not love Sidri, and I do not what to stay with him! If you don't take me with you, I shall leave with someone else!" 

Her words cut through his heart and killed him in every way. She never loved him! But even so he was not able to let her go, he loved her more than life itself. "Then I will come get you after the meeting." He told her with a sinking heart.

Watching the waves crash against the shoreline, the Unseelie King harden his heart before he turned around and headed to the tent. 


Alana waited until she heard Dora snoring before she jumped to her feet. Walking slowly past the witch, Alana walked out of the tent and ran as fast as her bare feet could take her to the ocean. Her locks bounced behind her back and her eyes sparkled with adventure , this was by far the most fun since they had arrived two days ago, she thought, as she bent over and picked up a sea shell. 

Archangel Gabriel watched her carefully. He disapproved of her actions but he loved her spunk. She was a wild one indeed, and it would take a very brave man to tame her wild ways. The archangel watched as she fearlessly ran into ocean, and raised his hands in the air to calm the waters. 

Walking closer to the shoreline, Gabriel inhaled the air around him. Soon, he thought, he had to make his plea to the enlightened beings, and hope that they will grant him another position. 


When the silvery moon dipped into the ocean and the shimmering stars disappeared, the sun came out in all its glory and hung like a fireball in the blue sky. Silas tried to open his eyes but could not, the sun was too bright and his head pounded painfully. 

Where the hell was he, he wondered as he struggled to lift himself up unsuccessfully, and fell back down on the sparkling sand. His stomach churned and he felt like puking, how much had he drank the night before, he thought, and then cursed out loud, he missed the freaking meeting, and he would have hell to pay. Michael was going to bury him alive once he gets his hands on him.

Grabbing his kilt, he wrapped it around his waist and pushed himself to his feet. A few feet away lay one of the wenches he lured away from the festival. Threading his fingers through his thick mane of hair, Silas left her alone, and hurried back to his tent before one of his brothers spotted him.


Isabel unbraided her long golden tresses, and flung them over her shoulders. She changed into her gown, pinched her cheeks for color, and left her tent. Yesterday she had promised Sophia and Alana that she would go with them today to pick wild flowers for the wreath's they were going to make to wear on their heads during the games. 

Flipping the flap to her tent back, Isabel walked over to Alana's tent, but as she reached for the flap, she heard a sickening noise. Turning around, she noticed that the noise was coming from Silas's tent. Was he sick, she wondered, as she rushed to his tent. Isabel lifted the flap just in time to watch Silas puke all over his sleeping mat. She gasped with surprise when the Warriors cold eyes looked up at her, she ran as fast as she could out of there.

"What the hell are you doing here!" He growled after her, as he doubled over again and puked.

Note: I had to rewrite this chapter and other too, because when I post my chapters many paragraphs disappear and the it takes me hours to rewrite it amd posted it again! Before I post intake pictures with my iphonenof my chapter, then when I lose the paragraphs i look atbthebouctures and rewrite the chapters, it's so freaking irritating amd annoying, amd it takes up too much of my time!!! 

Many of you have written and complained that the chapters are blank, and others tell me that the vote button doesn't work.please power off your computer/iPad/iPhone, and restart it, most of the time this fixes the problem. I wish wattpad could fix all these problems, it's getting to be very annoying!!!

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