Sterlingshire Under Fire

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The bright, full moon hung like an ornament amongst the millions of stars that sparkled like diamonds in the night sky. A warm breeze flowed through the air and caressed the bronzed skin of the hundreds of warriors that rode through MacAlister land. With only the full moon to guide them, the MacNeil clan raced faster than the speed of light to get to Sterlingshire. They knew that soon they would be discovered but they moved forward angrily with only one thing in mind, to kill or be killed!

The MacNeils are and will always be the MacAlisters worst enemies. Hatred boiled in their blood for each other and everyone knew that it was only a matter of time before the two clans spilled blood on the battlefield.

The feud had started hundreds of years ago when Kainaaz MacNeil fell helplessly in love with the oldest of the MacAlister brothers. He was the most handsomest man she had ever seen, and when their eyes met and locked for the first time during a wine festival, both of them knew right there and then that they were meant to spend the rest of their lives together, but they never had a chance to connect as soulmates because their families were against a union between them because Kainaaz was much to young to meet, let alone kiss a man, and they forbidden her to continue to see Balloch, especially since they knew that the lad was being hunted down by the wicked witch and would soon die. 

Now as they drew nearer to Sterlingshire castle, they heard the howl in the dark silence of the night that came from the MacAlister tower and anger surged through their body as they prepared for war.


Blane watched the sleepy guards carefully and knew that they had passed out, and sat in silence, waiting for the arrival of his clansmen. He knew his brothers were coming for him and it was only a matter of time before all hell broke loose.

His mind wandered to the beautiful young woman who had set his blood on fire. Who was she, he thought, and why would she risk coming down to the dungeon? And what happened to April? Many questions circled around in his mind, but his concentration was always interrupted by thoughts of Asia.

Mayhap, he thought, amidst the chaos he could slip into her room and kidnap her. She looked to be of noble blood and would be a delightful addition to grace the halls of Dukesworth, he thought, ever since his only two sisters were taken from them, it has not been the same in their castle.

The Warriors heart tightened with grief, whenever he thought of his sisters his heart ached. For even though it has been over five hundred years that they have been deceased, he and his family still grieved for them.

"The day has finally come and we will avenge them!" Blane muttered under his breath, "Today I will run my blade through each MacAlister heart and watch them die like the dogs that they are!"


Stephan debated telling his family what was about to happen. For even though what is written can ever be unwritten, he held the power to rewrite it, one small move could change the course of history, but he knew that if he messed with what was written, he ran the chance of risking the unknown, because once you meddle with what is written anything can happen after that and it was better to allow the future to run its course.

The warrior squeezed his eyes shut, can he allow the MacNeils to kill his family? Could he live with himself if he allowed that? He knew that he would be tortured for the rest of his life if anything ever happened to his family and he quickly made the decision to alert his father.

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