Love and Hate

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Lady Mara raised an eye brow and watched with amusement as Alana ate the entire piece of apple pie in seconds.

"Save some room for the strawberry scones, they are to die for." Lady Mara laughed, as she herself took a bite of one.

Alana was about to reply, but at that second a stabbing pain claimed her stomach and she clutched the sides of her wooden chair. When another pain traveled across her abdomen, the Druidess stiffened and her face turned ashen.

"Oh my." Lady Mara said, placing her fork on her plate, she reached out to grab Alana shoulders before her head hit the table.

Evan quickly jumped off his chair and flew around the long table, "Step away!" He yelled hoarsely, and collected his wife in his arms just before she passed out.

Evans heart beat wildly against his muscled chest, as he ran out of the dining area and took the stairs two at a time.

A couple servants girls carrying laundry baskets stepped out of the lairds way and watched in horror as he anxiously kicked open the wooden door . "Get the Healer here, now!" He barked over his shoulders before he disappeared inside his chambers.

The older of the two servants dropped her basket and scrambled to do the lairds bidding and almost ran into Lady Mara who had a worried expression on her face as she brushed past them quickly.

"What has happened Evan?" Lady Mara voice was full of concern when she walked swiftly inside the chambers and made her way to the bed where Evan had laid Alana to rest.

Without looking up, the blacksmith pulled the fur covers over Alana to keep her warm and briskly went to the hearth to stoke the fire. "I don't know, I have sent for the Healer."

A worried expression was etched on Lady Mara's aristocratic face, "Do you think 'tis the babe?"

Evan whirled around and faced his mother, "How do you know about the babe?" He asked hoarsely.

"I have knowledge of the Emerald Tablets and know the prophecy of the salvation of the world Evan, only a fool like you would hold anger against Alana for something that was written thousand of years before she was even born!" Lady Mara said angrily, "her destiny was written and you know as well as I do that what is written can not be unwritten!"

Evans nostrils flared angrily and lady Mara did not miss the dangerous glint in his golden eyes before she spoke, "Go ahead Evan," lady Mara said, not heeding his warning, "continue on this road of distraction and ruin the only chance you will ever have for love!"

Evan opened his mouth to snarl a response, but at that moment the Healer arrived and waved them away from the bed.

"What happened?" He asked, as he placed his hand on Alana's forehead for any signs of a fever.

"She fainted, nothing a few smelling salts can't fix!" Evan said with annoyance, as he walked towards the door to leave knowing that she was in good hands with the healer at her side.

Surprising his mother with his lack of affection towards his new bride, Lady Mara wondered if she was mistaken, had she misread what she thought was fear in her sons eyes when he rushed to her aid at the dining table?

"Are you leaving your wife's bedside when she is helpless to care for herself?" Lara Mara said, in hopes that her son will think twice about leaving his chambers and embarrassing himself. She knew news as this will spread like wildfire across their castle and wouldn't Saundra be pleased!

My Highlander, My Love, Part Three:Forbidden Love, The Greatest Love Story Ever Told.Where stories live. Discover now