The Professor

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The handsome professor of Harvard university in Boston Massachusetts, was getting hot looks from every female that passed him by in the hallway, but he was off to the library and didn't notice all the attention he was receiving.

Professor Kossi had not a vain bone in his body, even though he was a striking figure in his jeans and white linen shirt, that defined his broad masculine shoulders and showed off his tanned skin.

Opening and holding the door, Professor David stepped aside to allow a pretty young girl to walk past him.

"Thank you Professor Kossi." The girl smiled up at him, and fluttered her eyes lashes as a way of flirting with him.

David flashed her a smile showing off his pearly white teeth, before he stepped inside and let go of the door, "My pleasure." He said in a deep and masculine voice and the young girl nearly fainted with excitement as she made her way to the reception desk.

Always the gentlemen, David had gained the title of the most well mannered professor at Harvard by the students who absolutely adored him.

Walking through the marble interior of the huge room, one would know without a doubt that influence and wealth has made it one of the worlds most prestigious university. Professor Kossi's eyes roamed across the library to see in which direction he needed o go.

"Can I help you find what you're looking for?" The older, sophisticated woman who wore her spectacles a little too low on her dainty nose asked.

David flashed her a smile, "Thank you Mrs. Flemings, but I'm not sure that the book I'm looking for is even on the shelves."

Mrs. Flemings narrowed her eyes, "Professor Kossi may I remind you that our private library system consists of 79 individual private libraries with over eighteen million volumes!" She told him in a clipped tone of voice. "please allow me to assist you, let me search the computer and find where we have stored the book that you seek."

The light tapping of his expensive Timberland shoes as he followed Mrs. Flemings to the reception desk was the only thing heard in the quiet, private library.

Mrs. Flemings went straight to her computer and in a low, husky tone of voice said, "Give me the title Professor, that I may look it up."

David wasn't about to tell her what book he needed, so he named another book just to satisfy her thirst to help him and keep her off his back. "The Psychology of Persuasion."

Mrs. Flemings immediately went in search of the titled book, and David shifted his attention to Marcy.

The librarian assistants eyes sparkled when her eyes met David's, and she pulled back her shoulders to enhance her breasts, just as he leaned in and whispered, "Marcy has my book been delivered yet?"

Lowering her eyes to his arms, afraid that she might pee in her panties from her excitement, she could not help but sigh, his white linen shirt was rolled up at his elbows and  Marcy's appreciating gaze glided down his bronzed, hairy arms, "I shall check for you professor Kossi, just give me a second."

David refrained from laughing not wanting to make her feel uncomfortable. He watched as she turned to her computer and wondered what was underneath her purple, polyester dress that hung lose around her petite body and was sadly out of fashion.

Were her breast firm and round? Did she moan out loud when her lovers tongue flicked over her nipples? Did her fingers dig into his back when waves of pleasure claimed her body?

"Professor Kossi, your book has not arrived yet, would you like for me to trace it?" There was a hint of hoarseness in her voice.

A half smile curved around his mouth, Marcy was beautiful but she did not know it yet, he mused, which made her even more appealing to him, and he wondered what she would look like if he pulled out the clip that kept her hair in a granny's bun atop her head, threw away her huge glasses, peeled off her clothes and placed her over his swollen shaft. "That's fine, I'll come back tomorrow."

"I...I....will .... put the book to the side when it comes in." She stuttered, and nearly came in her panties when the David's eyes lowered to her small breasts.

Before the professor had time to respond, Mrs. Flemings walked over to him and threw a disapproving look at Marcy before she turned her attention to the professor.

"I couldn't locate the book you requested," she told him sharply, not happy that he was righteous t and she was wrong, "but I will order it for you first thing in the morning. Is there anything else I can help you with?"

"No, I want to browse around if you don't mind." He told her before he turned around and briskly walked away. She was clearly frustrated to be proven wrong, he thought, but he quickly forgot her as he searched for the real book that he was looking for.

Walking to the far west side of the huge room, David gazed through the books that were neatly lined up on the shelves. He walked slowly down the isle until he came to a complete stop and his golden eyes zeroed in on a black covered book.

With trembling fingers, he pulled out the book from the shelf and walked over to a nearby table, pulled out a wooden chair that had a metal, gold plate where one rested their back with the inscription on it that read, 'the Goldstein family.' Clearly it was a donation from this family, along with all the rest of the table and chairs in all the libraries at Harvard university.

Sitting himself down, David tried to erase that name from his mind but was unsuccessful. For some reason he felt anger and hate each time the name Goldstein appeared before him.

With trembling fingers he opened the book and flipped through the pages until he found what he was looking for.

"Damn!" He swore out loud forgetting where he was at, as he read the black small letters and confirmed his suspicions. Slapping the book shut, David pushed back his chair and lifted himself to his feet.

Ignoring all the stares that he received and was now the center of everyone's attention, David proceeded to walk to the reception desk to check out the book.

Mrs. Flemings raced to the desk to beat Marcy, she wanted to be the one to help David, but when she read the title of the book that he handed her, she raised an eye eye brow and shook her head.

After checking his book out, she handed the book with the receipt back to David and said in a firm and unwavering tone of voice, "Professor Kossi, you would do well to spend your quality time studying something more educational, fiction books tend to brainwash our society. Really Professor, fairies?"

We have a new character, can any one take a wild guess who it is?

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