Far, Far Away

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It took almost a week to get to Balmoral castle, and Isabella was exhausted and full of tears. She had made a terrible mistake coming here, she knew that, but what else was she to do? Camran was a great catch and she should consider herself lucky that he wanted her, she told herself as she swallowed another lump in her throat.

"Isabella my heart breaks to watch you cry, please remember that soon you will be wed to Camran and you will be a McCloud, and as such, you will live a beautiful life in wealth and be surrounded with plenty of love, for I know my brother in law adores you!" Lanie promised.

"Yes I know he loves me, he showers me with love daily, but I'm home sick and it will take a while to get used to living away from home." The princess responded.

Lanie gave her a big hug and kissed her cheek, "I'm so glad you are here Isabella, it's good to know that you will be living here."

Isobella did not reply to her last comment, she hated it here and wanted desperately to go home. She missed her family and Kenningsworth castle, but most of all she missed Sterlingshire and Silas. In almost a week her marriage to Camran will take place and she was devastated that he hasn't come to claim her his.

Why should he, she argued with herself, you mean nothing to him! He never promised you a single thing, and everything that he took from you was because you allowed it and made it happen!


Silas was on a drinking rampage, and his family shook their head with disgust. "Keep this up Silas and soon you will end up in the gutters!" Michael hissed as he pulled his brother up on his feet. "You had better shape up and go after her or else she will be lost to you forever!"

Michael was worried that his brother will not come to his senses on time, and Camran will have wed Isabella. The messenger hand delivered the satin invitation decorated with pearls a few days ago. The wedding will be in one weeks time and it was decided that the entire family will attend to show their support for the McClouds and the McCanes.

"Go away brother, and leave me the hell alone, I don't need your help!" Silas's drunken voice sounded tortuterd and his breath smelled worse than a horses arse. "I have everything under control!" He yelled and his body dropped back to the marble floor.

Michael stared at his brother and shook his head. Marching into the dining area he angrily barked orders to the servants. "Remove all the hard liquor and ale from the castle, store it in the stock room, lock the door and then bring me the key immediately, I will not have an alcholholic's living under my roof!" He roared.

The Warriors who were gathered in the Great hall gambling overheard him, and were not happy that the liquor was to be kept under lock and key, but they knew that there was not a damn thing they could do about it.

Michael raced up the stairs and headed to his chambers, crashing open the wooden door he stepped inside and slammed the door shut. Kyra was by the window and turned around to greet him.

"Husband what ails you?" She asked, after looking at his angry face.


"Oh my, what happened?"


Kyra wasted no time slipping out of her green satin gown, "Will this help you feel better?" She purred, but Michael still didn't respond. Walking slowly to where he stood, she reached under his kilt and stroked his shaft gently.

Michael closed his eyes and a masculine moan escaped his sculpted lips. Unable to contain himself a second longer, he grabbed his naked wife and walked to the side of his bed. The Druid threw Kyra on the crisp ivory sheets, removed his kilt, and jumped on top of her.

"You will be the death of me!" He told her before his lips came crashing down to hers.


Running faster than the speed of light through the woods, Bruce searched but could not find Liandra. A whole week has gone by and he has died a million deaths thinking that she lay dead somewhere. He searched up and down and all around but could not find any trace of her.


John kicked liandra's broken ribs again, "How did you like that?" He sneered.

Liandra was too weak to answer him, the pain that had surged through her broken body was horrendous. Closing her eyes, Liandra thought of Bruce before she passed out, and John cursed out loud.

"Damn you to hell!"

Pulling her body to the corner of the cabin, he tied her legs and hands and secured her tightly so she couldn't run away from him again and then he placed her body inside the bag again. Pulling her out of the cabin, he proceeded to make his way out of the woods and to the small village that was a few miles from there. He was going to sell her into slavery and make himself a few pieces of gold. She was of no use to him now that she was broken, the idea of faucking her made him want to puke.


Alana was now twenty one years of age and her growth was slowing down. In December she will reach her full age of twenty two and all her gifts and talents will strengthen and make her the most powerful woman on earth. Putting the comb on the table, the Druidess walked to the window and looked outside. Down below in the courtyard, the Warriors were in deep training, Michael was whipping their arses trying to make up for lost time.


Alana whirled around and found Violet staring at her with her hands on her hips. "Aye?"

"Want to go with me to the village, I heard that a new shop opened up that sells scented soaps!" She said excitedly.

"Nay, go without me, I have things to do." Alana said.

"Are you sure you don't want to come? I heard that they got a new black smith and he is gorgeous!" Violet said, knowing that she had just won her arguement.

Alana's interest peaked, a new black smith? She cared not for him, but she knew that Gabriel will be watching and she wanted to make him jealous.

"In that case, aye, I want to go! When do we leave?" She asked, and watched from the corner of her eyes the archangel come closer to them to hear everything that they were saying.

"Meet me downstairs in half an hour, and let your hair hang loose, and wear the pink gown!" She said as she was exiting Alana's room.

Alana sighed and whirled around, "Did you hear that Gabriel? A new black smith has come to our village, and I'm going to go and meet him!"

Half hour later, Alana ran down the stairs and met Violet. The both of them left the castle quickly before Dora caught them. She was still chasing after the both of them, trying to teach them how to behave as proper young ladies.

"What about chaperones?" Alana asked, as she smoothed the few wrinkles on her gown.

"We don't need chaperones, hurry now before Dora catches us and demands we should be chaperoned!" Violet laughed.

The young women excitedly exited the castle, and the guards that were stationed outside the huge wooden doors looked at each other and sighed, for the two raving beauties were unchaperoned and that could only spell trouble. They knew that Michael had a handful with these to under his roof.

Violet and Alana reached the village in no time and they headed straight to the new little shop that was at the end of the cobbled stoned street. The scented soaps were indeed of fine quality and smelled of peaches and creme! Alana ordered a bag filled with scented soaps and flowered perfumes to be delivered to Sterlingshire. Tossing a gold coin to the store keeper, the women left the little shop and headed straight to where they were told the black smith was working.

Alana's eyes opened wide as she stared at the most handsomest warrior she had ever set her eyes on.

"I told you didn't I?" Violet whispered.

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