With Love Comes Pain

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A whole week had gone by and the entire castle was buzzing with interest, they new something has changed between their Laird and their Mistress, they seemed to be walking on clouds.

Lady Mara's heart swelled with happiness as she watched her son swirl his wife under the mistle toe and kiss her passionately.

"Oh my." A lady of the court said to another, "how romantic!"

"Aye." The other lady sighed, as she jealously watched the Laird passionately butterfly kiss his wife's entire face.

The entire day was a day of laughter and fun for all at Ravens Wood Castle, the Laird had declared it a day of fun!

"We shall all take a day off from our busy schedules, everyone including the servants and Cook!" The Laird surprised his clan with his words and they were not sure if they heard him correctly. Silence fell across the Great Hall. "Well what are you all waiting for, dress warmly, for we are going to have a day of fun in the snow!"

"Laird, are you sure you want us to drop our loads of work and go outside to play?" The head servant girl mustered up her courage and finally asked.

"And me too?" Cook asked, flabbergasted that the Laird would make such an order.

"That is what I said wasn't it?" The lairds eyes shined bright with laughter, "I said everyone! Today we are all one, there will be no servants, cooks, or given fancy titles, we are all equal, dare I notice anyone separating their station above others this one day and I shall see to it that they be punished for their deed!"

"But Laird, we are not everyone's equal, we are just servants, peasants trying to make a living." One servant clarified, and lowered her head afraid to stare the Laird in his eyes.

"Just servants?" The Laird let go of Alana's hands and walked over to the servants girl. "In this castle no one is just a servant, without you we would be lost "

The servant continued to stare down at her bare feet.

Evan placed a finger on her chin and raised her head up, "Everyone in life has a job to do and so do you, that doesn't make you less worthy because your job is to clean and serve. I pay you a hefty amount of coins every month do I not?"

"Aye Laird you do."

"I pay you well because you deserve it, and I appreciate all the hard work you do. I do not think you are below me in station. We are all equal, but we all have our jobs to do daily. There is no shame in being a servant, not in my castle there isn't!"

"But Laird, if I do not stay in the kitchen who will cook our dinner?" Cook could not help but add, she was confused with her lairds behavior today.

Evan expelled a deep sigh, "Today the men will place the meat on the spits, and bring the barrels of ale out, all the woman will help bring out yesterdays leftover bread and vegetables. We can all help each other to lightened the load, and that will give us time to play in the snow!"

"What about us, what can we do to help?" The oldest of the children asked.

"You will have the most important job of all, you can be in charge of all the children to bring out all the sleighs and place them on top of the hill." The laird watched the child's chest swell with pride that he was given such a task.

My Highlander, My Love, Part Three:Forbidden Love, The Greatest Love Story Ever Told.Where stories live. Discover now