Tis the Season to be Jolly

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Tinesha dropped a dollar in the red basket that Santa Claus was holding, "Merry Christmas!" 

"Merry Christmas to you too!" Santa Claus said, in a jolly voice, and rang the huge bell he was holding.

"Girl are you insane? Christmas is over and done with!" Fatema said, as both women walked into a fine restaurant. "Now we need to make plans for New Year's Eve!" 

"I'm not going anywhere for New Year's Eve!" Tinesha said, "I'm going to stay home and relax!"

"Your crazy! All the biggest bashes of the year are on New Year's Day!" 

"Count me out, you know I'm not a party girl!" Tinesha said, as both women followed the hostess to a nice table near the window. 

"Neither am I, but one night a year I like to have a good time!" 

"So go, I'm not stopping you!" Tinesha grabbed the menu and scanned through it, "and further more, wild horses couldn't drag Jackie out, and I'm not leaving her home alone on New Year's Eve!"

"Then stay home and be miserable, I intend to go to time square with my friends and party all night!"

Tinesha put her menu down and sighed, "Would you please stop talking and see what you want to order, I'm starving and I have to return to the office in forty five minutes!"

After the two women ordered their meal, the waitress returned with their club sodas, and placed them on the table before she walked away to attend to another table. "What's up her ass!" 

"What is it with you anyway's, you think something is always up someone's ass!" Tinesha complained, annoyed at herself for letting Fatema talk her into having lunch with her. She was jam packed with work today at the office and needed some quiet time to relax her nerves.

"Uh oh, Don't look now girlfriend, but look who's sitting at the table at the far corner of the room." Fatema pressed her lips together and waited for her friends response.

Tinesha turned her head slightly to the left and saw Leathan and two of his associates ordering lunch. She did not miss the way the waitress was looking at him as if he was the only one at the table, nor did she miss the way the young waitress leaned her body close to Leathan as she took his order.

Rolling her eyes, she turned to face Fatema, "I'm eating my food and then I'm getting the hell out of here!"

It did not take long for the waitress to bring their lunch and Tinesha ate in records time, "Slow down before you choke on your food!" Fatema laughed, "you're a piece of art aren't you?" 

"Yes, my thoughts exactly." Leathan said, in his deep, rich voice, and sent shivers of excitement down Tinesha's spine. 

"Check please!" Tinesha called out to the waitress, ignoring Leathan on purpose. 

Leathan's heart pumped wildly against his chest. In his entire two thousand years of life no woman had ever ignored him before, in fact, it was the opposite, they all vied for his attention. "May I?" He asked, and pulled out the chair next to Tinesha.

"No you may not! Mr. McNeil, all the other women may find you charming but I do not!" 

Leathan's thick shaft throbbed, the woman drove him mad with desire. "I assure you I don't bite." He said, and smiled, showing off his pearly, white teeth.

Fatema sucked in a breath, the man was gloriously handsome and she wanted to sink her teeth into his neck. Kicking her friend under the table, she smiled up at Leathan and said, "Please, have a seat."

Leathan jumped at the opportunity to sit next Tinesha, and he sat himself down, and got straight to the point. "I took the liberty and told my secretary to draw up a contract, and I was hoping you would reconsider and come to work for my company, we need a smart lawyer like yourself to represent us." 

"Mr. McNeal, I wouldn't work for you even if you were the last man on earth!" 

"I beg you reconsider, it's a six figure salary and I'll even throw you an additional bonus in three months!" 

Tinesha lifted herself to her feet, "like I said, I wouldn't work for you even if you were the last man on earth!"

Leathan watched her leave without so much as a glance his way. 

"Mr. McNeil, I will come by the office and pick up the contract, and take it to Tinesha tonight, and I promise you I will knock some sense into her, and she will sign the contract and report to work within three days!"

"I'll hold you to your word then." Leathan replied, and he too lifted himself to his feet and walked back to his table.


Pauletta looked out her bedroom window, and watched the snow flakes fall. A single tear glided down her beautiful face and she closed her eyes tightly. "Where are you my husband," she whispered sadly, as her eyes filled with fresh tears. "I have missed you terribly!"

Four more days until New Year's Eve, and Pauletta was going crazy, not knowing what to do. James didn't want her to go to Time Square, and had ordered her to stay away, but how could she do that knowing that there was a possibility that he would be there. She must attend the huge party and try to find her soulmate. 

Lost in her own train of thoughts, Pauletta didn't hear the door bell until it was buzzing like crazy. Running to the door, Pauletta buzzed Roula in, and when she came inside the apartment and closed the door, Pauletta yelled at her.

"If you break down my doorbell you will have to buy me a new one, the owner will deduct it from my security deposit!" 

Roula rolled her eyes and muttered something unintelligent under her breath before she removed her coat, threw it on the table and jumped on the old beat up couch. "What's up your ass? Seems to me every time I see you, you are either crying, yelling or disillusional. It would be nice to have my old friend back!" 

Pauletta ignored her remark and threw herself on the other end of the couch. "Is it true that we are getting five inches of snow today?"

"Yeah that's what I heard. Good thing school is over with, and we don't have to show up for work today!"

"Yeah, we can order pizza and watch recordings of the "the outlander" 

"Why, so I can watch you cry all day, because you disillusion yourself to believe that the outlander is real? It's just a movie Pauletta, and nothing more!"

"I read somewhere that if you meditate for a period of time, and you think about a certain person, you can get into his thoughts and he can hear you!"

"Do you honestly believe that shit? Come on Letta, I thought you were intelligent, now I'm second guessing you!" 

"You're so negative! Just be quiet for a second so I could try it and see for myself if it works." Pauletta said, and she closed her eyes and thought about James. She pictured him standing in front of her, looking like a lithe animal. His chiseled, handsome face, vivid, sky blue eyes,  long raven hair, that fell well over his shoulders and made him look wild beyound belief. Broad shoulders, iron steel abs, a tapered waist and firm thighs.

 "James!" She called out his name with a passion, and Roula watched her quietly and her heart went out to her friend. 


James who was standing on top of the snowy hill, whirled around and scanned the the land around him. He heard her voice loud and clear, and his heart pumped wildly against his muscled chest. Soon he will hold her in his arms, and never let her go!

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