The Meeting

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"One person at a time please!" Shouted Michael, who was standing in the center of the room ready to strangle his brothers.

"How dare Alana dishonor our name!" Seth yelled above all the other voices in the room.

"Your daughter did the same remember? She gave herself to the prince of Scotland!" Daniel came to Stephan's defense. He never liked Seth's arrogance and wanted to set him straight.

Seth was about to jump on Daniel but another uproar broke out and the brothers held back Seth and Daniel before they killed each other.

"Enough!" Michael roared, and slammed his iron fist on the wooden table, "this is going to stop right here, right now! I will not have my family talking to each other with hatred as if we are enemies!"

Stephan closed his eyes for a second to gather his wits, he knew this day would come but now that it was here he was over emotional and lost for words.

"Everyone sit down and behave or I will throw you out on your arses!" Michael threatened in a low and dangerous voice, and any one who knew him, knew not to mess with the Laird when his eyes darkened with madness.

The Macalisters clamped their mouth shut and took their seat around the huge wooden table, not wanting to mess with Michael. They all knew what their big brother was capable of.

Michaels eyes followed everyone around the room until they were all seated before he took his seat.

"We have a huge problem on our hands but we can not solve it with anger. Turning against each other will not solve anything!" Michael reasoned, "we must stay united, we are family and as such I expect peace among us. The same blood runs in all of us and nothing can change that!"

Raising his eyes across the table to where Stephan sat, Michael eyes pierced into his, "what do you know of this son?"

"''Tis true, Alana has shamed us, but tis was written that she would. How else would my grandson have been created if not for Gabriel and Alana's betrayal?"
Silence fell across the room as everyone contemplated Stephan's words. "My daughters actions were unavoidable and you all know that!"

"Yes we did know that " Michael confirmed, "tell me son, has Evan connected with Alana? Has she given herself to him yet?" Michael could feel the bitterness of his words in the pit of his stomach and hoped his son would forgive him.

Stephan averted his eyes to the book shelve unable to look anyone in their eyes. This was his daughter they spoke of and he was not feeling comfortable giving out information about her private life to his family, but he knew that he had no choice but to do so.

"Aye." He said simply, averting his eyes back to his father.

"I for one feel terrible that Alana was delt a terrible fate." Tristan threw across the table and everyone turned to look at him.

"Do not feel bad, Evan is her true soulmate, and very soon they will find love for each other." Michael explained.

"But not before the babe is born." Stephan added, "until then many challenges will befall them."

"Alana is a strong woman and can hold her own." Thomas couldn't help but add

"Aye true, but as her father I would rather she not go through torture." His voice was pain filled and it did not go unnoticed by everyone.

"What kind of torture?" Michael asked not liking the sound of that.

"Xenofondi has a pregnant mistress, and trouble is brewing." All eyes fell on Stephan.

My Highlander, My Love, Part Three:Forbidden Love, The Greatest Love Story Ever Told.Where stories live. Discover now