The Wine Festival

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As the caravan neared the Wine Festival, they could hear the bagpipes play loudly and the ladies of the court excitedly brushed their ruffles on their skirts and padded their palms softly over their hair that was pinned up in an up-do, with ringlets of curls that framed their powdered, pretty faces, as was the custom when one attended a festival. 

Only Isabella dared to wear her long, thick, golden tresses down, shocking the ladies of the court as they glanced her way when she stepped out of the huge carriage. Jealousy ate them alive, Isabella was by far the most beautiful single women amongst them, and they hated her to pieces! The MacAlister women knew that Isabella's beauty would be a threat to all the ladies of the court and they would hate her, so they crowded around her protectively to make sure that no one would harm her with their poisonous words. They were once in the same position as Isabella and knew how vicious the ladies of the court can be. 

As they walked to the festival, Isabella looked around her to see if she could find Silas. From the carriage window, the entire morning she tried to spot him but could not, he was no where to be found and she hoped he hadn't changed his mind about coming to the festival. 

Michael helped Kyra off her horse and swung her around to face him. Pulling her into his strong and possessive arms, he kissed her passionately, it was something he wanted to do the whole ride here. A soft gasp of pleasure escaped her plump lips as she kissed him back and James who watched the romantic scene before his eyes, got an ache in his heart.  Looking away from the heated couple, James swore under his breath, and walked away. He longed to see the beautiful woman that had appeared to him on the hill, and he had to find her soon, or he would go mad, he thought, as he glanced behind him and caught another glimpse of his brother palming his wife's left breast. 

Silas hurriedly walked to the festival, not wanting to bump into Isabella. He ignored greetings from his fellow clansmen and disappeared into the huge crowd. He wasn't going to be suckered into dancing with one woman the whole night. He was here to meet and dance with different women, and mayhap be lucky enough to have a quicky with a few of them. He was a great catch and he knew that he would not have a problem finding himself a few one night stands.

Thousands from all over Scotland wearing their clans colors attended the festivities. All across Scotland, festivals were being held to celebrate the week long holiday, which ended on October thrity first, Halloween day. To the Scotland's, this week was a week of fun and games, eating, drinking amd dancing, but to the Druids it meant a whole lot more. There were secret meetings, rituals, and prayers to be held, to keep the earths balance. The Druids took their job very serious, and every year during this time, they gathered together to perform the rituals needed to keep the walls up. It was crucial that the ceremonies were performed on time and in accordance with the universal time. If they were off even the slightest tiniest bit, the walls will come down and creatures from other dimensions can cross over to their side and destroy their world. 


Kalan was fuming as he paced back and fourth in his castle. Violet had rejected him ever since they had returned from the mirrors. Had she found out that he was Prilla's sex toy while he was her prisoner? He tried many times to gain her audience but she rebuked him each and every time! He whirled around and smashed his huge hand on the wooden table and watched it crumble to pieces. Hawk told him that they were going to the festival, and he was hoping that Violet would invite him to come along, but she refused to. 

"Master would you like a refill of your drink?" The pretty servant girl asked, fluttering her eye lashes at him.

"Go away and leave me alone!" Kalan growled, ignoring the fact that the pretty servant girl had unbuttoned the front of her simple green gown, as a silent invitation to her bed, but Kalan was not interested in any woman unless it was Violet herself standing before him.

After the servant girl left his chambers, Kalan looked outside his window and watched as his people engaged in orgies. At one time in his life he would have been in the middle of that, but ever since he had fallen in love with Violet, he had no desire to sleep with any women unless it was his soulmate in his bed. 

He wanted desperately to go to the festival, but his ego did not let him attend. She didn't want him there, he thought miserably, or else she would have extended the invitation to him. She is probably dancing away with a handsome Druid by now, while he sat there feeling miserable and alone. 

'Damn it to hell!" He swore loudly, as he marched out of his chambers. He was going to go to the festival and find his soulmate, she belonged to him and he was going to get her back!


Bella jumped off the carriage just in time to witness Harry swinging his Twinkie as he chased after the tramp. The tramp had white fluffy fur, and she purred softly at her Harry, as she batted her long eyes lashes at him. 

A tear gilded down Bella's face, how could he do this to me, she thought, I have given him the best years of my life!


Afroditis loved this time of year because it was one of the few times during the year she could visit earth and not be noticed. She knew that Charles would be here, and she couldn't wait to dance with him. He would not recognize her, she thought, she will be wearing a mask to cover her face. Just as she does every year, and he hadn't a clue who he danced with. A smile curved her beautiful lips, this time, she thought, I will steal a kiss from him!

Zapping herself to Scotland, she placed her mask on her face and walked into the festival. There amongst the crowd, she separated his voice from all the other thousands she heard around her. He was chatting with Michael about a meeting that will be held later, and she listened carefully at what they were saying. 

"Fine my friend, I'll see you later." Michael said before he left and headed straight back to his wife's arms.

Charles walked away and headed towards the dance floor. Aphrodite's followed after him from a distance. The Fay had the attention of quite a few admirers who had gathered around him. They fanned their pretty faces and fluttered their eye lashes at him trying to grab his undivided attention, but the Fay paid no heed to them, the goddess watched him search the crowds, and her heart skipped a beat. Was he searching for her, she thought, as she made her way to him.

"Tis you!" He said, in a low husky masculine voice. 

"Yes." She said softly, feeling overwhelmed with the love she felt for him.

"Come," he told her, and grabbing her hand, the Fay pulled her to the dance floor. 

Wrapping his arms around her tiny waist, he pulled Aphrodite's against his muscled chest. The goddess sighed happily and closed her eyes as they danced the night away. She never wanted this night to end, but she knew that soon Michael will come looking for him. Holding on tight to the Fay, Aphrothitis wanted desperately to kiss him, but knew not how to go about it. If she took off her mask, he would know that it was her all along. 

Finally when the time came and the Druid called out his name, Charles pulled away from her and threw her an apologetic smile, "I must go now, wait for my return." He said hoarsely.

Aphrothitis's heart skipped a beat, he never asked this of her before. "Where should I wait?" She asked.

"It doesn't matter, I shall find you wherever you may be." He answered.

"And if I choose to leave?" She asked, in a low tone of voice.

Charles grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her forward, Aphrothitis's could feel his sweet breath against her face when he spoke, "Wait for me goddess, I shall return in no time." He told her, before he turned and walked away. 

Aphrothitis's stared after him, she was stunned that he knew who she was. Did he know it was her all these years?

Thank you for your love and support, it means the world to me. Xoxoxxoxoxoxxo 

My Highlander, My Love, Part Three:Forbidden Love, The Greatest Love Story Ever Told.Where stories live. Discover now