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Silas left as soon as he gave orders to the many servants in the palace to keep an eye on Isabella while he was away. He placed four guards, two on each entrance of the palace, and gave strict orders to watch the Druidess with their lives. 

The Druid walked among the huge crowds at the merchants market wanting to take care of business first, so he could have the rest of the day to spend with Isabella. He wanted to take her on a tour to show her all the tourists attractions, knowing that she will appreciate it. Isabella had an eye for beauty, and he knew that Mumbai would take away her damp mood, and mayhap he thought, she can relax and even get comfortable with him. She did love him once, mayhap she can fall in love with him all over again!

Silas met up with many merchants and struck deals with them. They would trade their goods and the Macalisters will make a hefty amount of gold by nightfall, the warrior was a smart business man and the Indian merchants loved to do business with him because he was a fair trader. When Silas finished his work he went straight to his friends shop to buy gifts for Isabella. He thought she might like a few colorful sari's and mayhap a few golden bangles to wear on her wrists. 

"My friend, how are you?" Silas said to the shop owner who eyes glistened when they saw him. 

"I'm doing well my friend, I heard through the grape vine that you are married and have three children, is this true?" 

"Nay, but I wish it were !" Laughter filled the shop as the two men talked of the good old days. 

"Remember when you visited India a few years ago and the little monkey grabbed your gift bag and ran away with it?" 

"Aye my friend, but this time I shall hold on to my bags with two hands!" They both men bellowed with laughter until tears were in their eyes. 

"My friend there is something I must tell you!" Amar said, in a serious tone of voice. Suddenly the atmosphere changed in the little shop, and the Druid noticed how Amar's sharp black eyes, kept looking at the door. 

"What's going on Amar, talk to me." Silas said.

"I heard something today that scared me!" 

"What happened Amar, are you in some kind of trouble?" 

"Nay, tis not me, it's about you!" Amar looked around the shop to make sure they were alone. "I got word today from a loyal friend that someone is looking for you!"

"For me?" 

"Aye, and he is not a man one would want to deal with, he is bad news and I am afraid for you!" Amar warned him,"

Silas narrowed his eyes at Amar, "Who is he, what's his name!" 

"His name is Captain John, but he is no good, and you should stay away from him. He is not one to mess with!" 

"What does he want with me?" Silas asked, troubled by the fact that a stranger would be looking for him here in India.

"Word in the streets of Mumbai has it that he has a prisoner and wants to make a trade with you." Amars eyes opened wide, "this prisoner is a woman and he claims that you would be very interested in buying her!"

"What, why would I want to buy a woman?" Silas lifted himself to his feet, a sudden feeling of fear engulfed him, and he wanted to return quickly to the palace to make sure that Isabella was safe. "Please select two of the most beautiful gowns in your shop, along with some matching jewels and a few pairs of sandles for a petite sized woman, and deliver them to my palace." 

Silas was already heading towards the door when Amar called out to him, "Please be careful my friend!"

"Don't worry about me Amar, I can take care of myself." He threw over his shoulders as he pushed the door open and stepped out of the shop. 

My Highlander, My Love, Part Three:Forbidden Love, The Greatest Love Story Ever Told.Where stories live. Discover now