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Tinesha watched the young woman eat the soup, and wondered when was the last time she ate. "Would you like some crackers with that?" She asked.

"No thank you."

"Would you like a soda or a cup of coffee?"

"No thank you."

"I bet you're tired, you can sleep tonight in my guest room, would you like to shower first?"

"I don't have anything to change in to."

Tinesha expelled a sigh, "I think me and you are about the same size, I can give you something of mine to wear." She said as she lifted herself to her feet, "I have some stuff that I was going to take to the Salvation Army."

Walking into her room, the Caribbean beauty selected a pair of blue jeans, a couple of tee shirt's, and few brand new underwear, two pair of socks, and an old pair of Adidas gym shoes that she didn't want anymore and was going to give to her cousin.

"I think these items will be a perfect fit for you," Tinesha said as she returned to the kitchen with the items in her hands. "I'm not sure about the gym shoes, they might be a tad too tight, but I'm pretty sure the rest will fit you."

"Thank you."

"You don't have to thank me for every little thing that I do for you, these are just some old things I was going to get rid of anyway," Tinesha told her, "and if you don't mind, I'm going to call you Jackie instead of Angelina, I think that name fits you better."


"You must be tired, come on I'll show you where the bathroom is and you can shower and go get your beauty rest!" Tinesha walked Jackie to the bathroom, "there's a tooth brush in the drawer, and the toothpaste is over there."

"Thank you."

Tinasha rolled her eyes and left the bathroom, closing the door behind her. She walked through the living room, grabbed her cell phone and dialed her father's number.

"Hey dad."

"Hey baby girl, what's going on?"

"Well, Jackie is staying at my house for tonight." Tinesha said.

"Jackie? Who's Jackie?"

Tinesha expelled a sigh and dropped on her couch, "I named her Jackie dad."

"The homeless girl? Why is she staying at your house, she's a complete stranger! I told you to take her to the shelter didn't I, you don't know anything about her!" Her father yelled over the phone.

"Calm down pops, there was no more room for her at the shelter, don't worry she's completely harmless!"

There was a pause on the phone, before Tinesha's father spoke, "Be careful, lock your bedroom door and as soon as you wake up in the morning take her straight to the shelter and be done with her!"

"Will you please stop over dramatizing, and don't say a word to mom, last thing I need is for her to show up at my door step giving me a lecture on how to run my life!"


Leathan tried to open his eyes but the sun rays filtered through the ivory curtain and blinded him. "Jesus!" He moaned and shut his eyes again, as he turned to his side.

"Finally you're awake!" A soft feminin voice purred, her soft breath caressed his face.

Leathan popped his eyes open again and tried to focus. There was a red head in his bed!

"Who the fauck are you?" He asked, surprised to see a woman in his bed, as a rule, Leathan never allowed any of his women to stay the night.

The red head's hand snaked out and wrapped around his shaft. "You didn't care to ask me my name last night, why would you care to ask me now?"

My Highlander, My Love, Part Three:Forbidden Love, The Greatest Love Story Ever Told.Where stories live. Discover now