My Heart of Hearts

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Silas smashed his bleeding hand once again and two holes the size of his fist decorated the wall's of his cabin. He waited the entire day for her to come, but she chose not too, and he prayed that by nightfall she will come running to him, because if she doesn, he will be devastated. All day long he thought of ways to kidnap her if she chose not to come to him, but in the end, he had made his decision. Silas was going to leave and never look back if she chooses to marry Camran, he will not take Isabella by force.

Being in love was a very powerful feeling and one that Silas has never felt before. Everything inside him came to life when he touched her, the soulamte connection was powerful and he knew that he could not live without her, but he also knew that she would have to come to him this time, because that would prove to him the depth of her love for him.


The Wizard, Hector and Patrick sat quietly and watched the dancers dance around the fire, the night was young and everyone was having a good time at the pre wedding celebration.

The Wizard leaned his head close to his son and grandson so no one will hear him, for even though the music was loud and no one was paying attention to them, one never knew who was listening, "You think we should kill them now or later, the McCanes have made fools of us and think they can get away with it!"

"We will do no such thing, in fact we should thank them for all this, because it is the only way Silas will get his wake up call, I swear, the Macalisters are a bunch of losers, haven't they all denied their soulmate's in the beginning? What the hell is wrong with those people anyhow, I'm not liking the idea that my grandchild will be put into danger if Camran decides to fight for Isabella's hand in marriage tomorrow!" The laird said angrily.

"My sister is pregnant? Who fathered her child, Silas or Camran?" Patrick hissed and curled his hands into fists at his side.

The Wizard and the laird both turned to look at Patrick at the same time, "Do you think your sister would sleep with someone that is not her soulmate? Tis Silas of course, but he has yet to claim her!" The laird answered.

"That son of a bastard, I'm going to kill him!" Patrick swore.

"You will do no such thing, Silas will come around, the looking glass does not lie!" The Wizard said.

"But grandfather, you yourself have said that the looking glass predicts the future, but it can always change if someone chooses a different path! What if Silas doesn't claim her before the wedding and Isabella is stuck marrying Camran, then what?"

"Then Silas will be a bigger fool than I thought." The Wizard said, and his heart skipped a beat. If Silas doesn't come for his granddaughter on the morrow, then the course of history will be changed and the wedding will take place and the grand baby will not survive, Camran will not allow a child not from his loins to come into the world from the belly of his wife. He will find a way to destroy the pregnancy and then plant his own seed inside her. Closing his eyes shut, the Wizard prayed that the looking glass showed the true outcome for tomorrow.

The laird did not miss the worried expression on his father's face, tightening his hold on his tankard of ale that he held, he brought it to his lips and tried to calm his beating heart. He loved Isabella with all his heart, and has done everything to protect her, her entire life, and didn't relish the fact that his baby daughters heart was in turmoil. He hoped that everything will go smoothly tomorrow, but he was no dummy, the McCloud's will claim war against the Macalisters for stealing the bride.

"Father worry not about Isabella, I know Silas, he is an honorable man, and he will come to the rescue I'm sure of it, it is Bruce you should be worried about, he is the one that is suffering a fate worse than death!" Patrick said, not realizing that his father had no clue about the disappearance of Liandra.

My Highlander, My Love, Part Three:Forbidden Love, The Greatest Love Story Ever Told.Where stories live. Discover now