Happy 2016!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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(Warning: Contains spoilers for Star Wars: The Force Awakens)

Happy News Years everybody!

Darth Vader: What's so happy about it? It's just another day, except in a new year.

Me: Stop being so... you! Goodness!!!!!!!!

Legolas: Happy New Years Eruwaedhiel! *gives her a kiss*

Me: *sighs* I'm so jealous of her.

Eruwaedhiel: But I'm you...

Gimli: Cheers! *holds up a mug*

Me: Gimli! That's not beer, is it? I said no drinking tonight!

Gimli: It's beer. Root beer.

Me: Oh, well then. I'll allow that.

Merry and Pippin start dancing on the tables and sing while holding mugs of root beer. Thorin, Fili, Kili, Dwalin, Balin, Bifur, Bofur, Bombur, Dori, Nori, Ori, Oin and Gloin began laughing and eating.

Thranduil: *rides in on elk, which has a large saddlebag* Pizza's here!

Legolas: Since when do you deliver pizza, ada?

Me: Since when is there pizza in Middle-Earth?!

Thranduil: Since we got the recipe from future earthlings.

Me: Earthlings? Is that what we're called now? So we have Earthlings and Middle-Earthians?

Fili: No, there are Earthlings, then there are Men, Elves, Dwarves, Orcs, Goblins, Trolls, Hobbits, Gollum, and Dragons. Well, dragon. But he's dead now.

Myself: Nope! I'm a dragon! A skin-changer too!

Me: What? My other me is a dragon? Does that make me one too?!

Myself: Uh, no.

I: Aw..! I wanna be a dragon too!

Me: Stop referring to yourself in the third person!

Thorin: Oh no! There are more of them?!

Legolas: So... there's Eruwaedhiel, Me, Myself, and I?

Elisabeth: No! There's me too!

Me: But I'm me!

Thranduil: So... Me, Myself, I, Eruwaedhiel, and Elisabeth?

I: Don't forget GodismyDD!

Kili: But... you're all the same person!

Me: Yeah.

Myself: Wait! Does that mean we have split personality!!!!!!!????

All Middle-Earthians: O_O!?

Luke Skywalker: Has anyone seen Ben?

Me: Ben who? Ben as in Obi-Wan Ben or Ben as in Kylo Ren Ben?

Luke Skywalker: Kylo Ren Ben. We must get him to come back to the light side... if that's what you'd call it.

Me: Well, their called the dark side, so... yeah.

Luke Skywalker: Oh, hi Dad.

Darth Vader: Hello, son. Who is this Kylo Ren you speak of?

Luke Skywalker: Leia's son.

Darth Vader: I have a grandson, then?

Luke Skywalker: Yup.

Darth Vader: *smiles, although no one can tell* I have a grandson! *runs to the Storm Troopers* I have a grandson! *goes to the Emperor, who is dead* I have a grandson! *yells at the sky* I have a grandson!!!!!!

Elisabeth: *rolls eyes and laughs* Are you finished freaking out now?

Darth Vader: Wait a minute, Leia's married?

Luke Skywalker: Well, yeah.

Darth Vader: To whom?

Luke Skywalker: Han Solo.

Darth Vader: *#angryface* *goes to Kylo Ren and tells him to kill Han Solo if he really wants to prove that he is evil*

Me: Where'd he go now?

Myself: How should I know?

I: No, I'm I, you're not I.

Eruwaedhiel: You're the author, you should know!


Thorin: I think you all have had to much root beer...

Gimli: What did I tell ya? She can't hold her sugar. *has a sugar crash and immediately begins snoring*

Me: Guys! It's almost midnight! In five... four... three... two... one!

Boromir: *uses his Gondor horn as a party blower* Happy New Year!!!!!

Me: Hey! Why are you here? You're dead!

Boromir: Oh, so I can't be here and Darth Vader can?!

Frodo: *hides behind I*

Me: Yup.

Myself: Goodbye! *snaps and Boromir disappears*

Me, Myself, I, GodismyDD, Elisabeth, and Eruwaedhiel: Happy New Year everybody!

Everybody Else: Happy New Year!

(A/N: Sorry if it wasn't that good! But I had so much fun writing it! Lol Hope y'all have a Happy New Year! God bless! ^-^

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