Zombies in the Church

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A/N: My very strange dream which I titled 'Zombies in the Church'. Lol read on and you'll see why! ^-^


     My dream started off in our youth group in my old church. At the time our youth pastor was Joe (who was my favorite youth pastor as he made me feel like a daughter when my dad was dying).

     Anyways, all of a sudden some of the teens start like acting weird or something and I figured out in my dream that our youth pastor was hypnotizing everyone into zombies (which is something he'd never actually do even if it was possible lol), so I hurriedly got out of there and ran upstairs to tell my mom what was going on.

     I went upstairs and saw one of my friends, Hayley, and told her to be careful because our friends were now zombies. But it was too late. Her friend (now her boyfriend) Logan came up and bit her in the neck. I jumped back and hurried off to find my mom.

     I finally found her and told her that everyone was being hypnotized into zombies and that we had to leave. She said okay and that we should hurry up and leave right then, so we left (without my five younger siblings... something we'd never EVER do lol).

     Next thing I know we're walking through the door to our house. But when we got inside we saw that the whole back half of the house was MISSING! And in the backyard and in our house, everywhere and as far as the eye could see, were black cats! (Which is weird because I made up this story to freak my siblings out about there being a black cat burial ground in our backyard. I also told them that sometimes you would see their ghosts walking around. I came up with it shortly after I THOUGHT I saw a black cat rubbing against a tree. There was nothing there... creepy!)!

     Anyways, next scene I'm walking through the halls of the church downstairs and only a couple ceiling lights are on, but they were super dim. It reminded me of a movie or TV show, like The Walking Dead or something. But I had camouflage on and a camouflage cap and a bullet proof vest, as well as this AWESOME looking machine gun (Like from Star Gate SG-1), and I was shooting down the friend I once knew.


     Okay, now the meaning of my dream!

     When I woke from this dream, I couldn't help but feel that it meant something (something I'd never really felt with any of my other dreams, as I've had a million dreams about bad things happening in the church). Obviously I knew a zombie apocalypse wasn't going to take place. Lol XP

     So I did some research and (for some reason) I looked up 'zombie church'. I found out that there is such a thing and it means a church lacking Christ, as Christ is life and zombies lack life. Well, the stranger thing is that later on we found out something about our church (which I shan't mention), but it wasn't a godly thing to do.

     Also the church seems to be getting worse. Someone had said that it lacked Christ. And I think that's what my dream was telling me! Although I still have no idea what the black cats and hypnotizing thing means. Lol But still.

     Now how creepy/amazing is that?! :D O_O :D :D :D :D :D :D

     Hehe! ^-^

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