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Me: I'm such a nerd!

Darth Vader: Yes, we already know this.

Me: Wanna see what I wrote?

Darth Vader: No.

Me: Aww... :( Well I feel like sharing it because- well I don't know why, actually. Here it goes!

     Dear Frodo,
                          I have left Middle-Earth to become a Jedi. Please tell Sherlock he'll have to investigate The Doctor's death without me. Oh, and please tell Spock that I am unable to meet with him and Teal'c this Saturday. They'll have to go to Narnia without me. Well, I think that's about it. Live long and prosper, and may the force be with you. Ally-ons y!

The fandoms I used were: 

Sherlock BBC Series
Doctor Who
Star Trek
StarGate SG1
The Chronicles of Narnia
and, of course, Frozen.

Darth Vader: Elsa?

Me: Well, I couldn't think of anything else. And, since Star Wars is now Disney-

Darth Vader: Don't remind me.

Me: -and since they have a Star Wars Parody of Let It Go (which is way better than the original song), Elsa seemed appropriate.

Darth Vader: -_- Whatever. I don't care. I'm going to go get chocolate milk.

Me: O_O You're getting chocolate milk? I thought you hated it because of Tith and I.

Darth Vader: I do. I'm getting it for you. Payback time.

Me: Uh-oh. *disappears*

Darth Vader: *sighs in relief* I was hoping that would get rid of her.
*turns on the TV and watches Star Wars: Attack of the Clones*

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