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A/N: They're not recent dreams but they're weird so I decided to share them. Lol ^-^


     Okay, so in the first dream my brother and I were swinging on our swing set, but instead of it being in the backyard it was in the front yard. My papaw was there and so was my mom and they told us to get off the swings because we didn't know how to swing properly and they had to re-educate us. Yeah... It's already weird! Agh!

     So I jump off the swing but my brother didn't hear so he kept swinging. Next thing I know, Legolas is by my side. (Fangirl part of me: EEEEEEK! <3!!!) Then an arrow flies through the air and hits my brother in the chest and he dies instantly (wow, I'm surprised I didn't wake up crying...). I look at Legolas, as I recognize the arrow, and he looks around and says that he doesn't have his bow or quiver.

     I looked over where the arrow had come from and saw my papaw. My papaw had shot my brother! So then this old lady with a cane is walking alongside the road and she starts yelling at my papaw then chases him.

     Next scene I'm not in it but it's like my dream's playing out like a movie. My papaw turns into Boromir and climbs into a boat and he's holding Legolas' bow and the old lady catches up to him.

     And that's all I remember. Now, on to my second dream!


     Okay, so I'm running through this plain with Thorin & Company, minus Bilbo. I turned to see what we were running from, and there was this large black gate with spikes at the top and hyenas were trying to get through. Then in the 'scene', I find out that I am Bilbo, and am no longer seeing it in my point of view but it's playing out like a movie.

     We finally reach this shed/log cabin type thing by nightfall and we go to sleep. Then I/Bilbo wakes up before sunrise and finds this note. I/Bilbo read it, but only see half of it. It said something about me having to wake everyone up. But before I can I'm/Bilbo's asleep again and wakes up, finding the same note and able to read more this time.

     Then Thorin woke up and sat up (he was shirtless if I remember right, but I'm not 100% sure) and he asked me what was wrong, but then the whole thing starts over again. (By this point in the dream my consciousness like, knew it was a dream or something, so the real me (not Bilbo) wished that I could turn into me and not Bilbo because, I mean, come on! The one time I have a dream about Thorin I have to be Bilbo! You know what I'm saying? Lol)

     Then he (Thorin) and I (Bilbo) wake up AGAIN and finally read the whole thing. The note said that if we didn't get EVERYONE up before sunrise, the whole night and morning would start over. So we tried several times to get everyone awake before we finally succeeded.

     But then, much to my dismay, I wake up in the shed in my reality and my two brothers are there. Then we run out of the shed and get into the car with our dad right as a HUGE grizzly bear comes out of the woods. I sit in the passenger seat beside my dad and my brothers sit behind me. For some reason the car was in the backyard...

     Then all of a sudden a BOBCAT comes out of NOWHERE and ATTACKS the bear! Then my indoor kitten runs by and the grizzly bear swipes at him but the bobcat stopped it and they started fighting again. Next thing I know, the bear and bobcat are in our living room, dead, as our dad had killed them to protect us.


     Okay, one last dream and it's shorter, don't worry. Lol ;) :P ;P

     I had friends over and was in the kitchen when an orc suddenly hits the window. So I lock the window and hurriedly run to the door to lock it, but the orc has already opened it part way so I have to push it back (and my friends didn't help at all... lol). I manage to close the door and lock it and then go around locking all the doors and windows (even though they're already locked...? lol). Next thing I know, my friends are gone, and my brothers and I are hiding in my moms closet.

     Then the orcs find us and grab me and hold a sword to my throat, then my dad kills it to protect us.
The end!

     You know what the weird thing is? My dad's name means PROTECTOR!




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