Oh No! I'm Running Out Of Titles!

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Well, this should be fun! This tag was started by SuperiorGhost, he tagged me, and then both of us tagged JesusSaves17, then I was tagged by her! So here's a list of the rules before we begin.

1: You must answer each question and the tag should be done in a chapter of your own.
2: Every time you are tagged, you add a new question of your own.
3: If you have been tagged before only answer the new questions (so no need to number them).
4: At the end of the chapter tag anyone you want and document the number of questions currently in the tag.

(I have already answered the first and added my own, so I won't answer the first two. The first two were
What is your secret identity and Would you rather be a sheep or a sloth? )

Question: Where are you, right now, as you are reading this?
Answer: I'm sitting in my room on my bed.

Question: How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Answer: A woodchuck would chuck as much wood as it could if a woodchuck could chuck wood.

My Question: You are waling down the street on your way to work and you see a dog drowning in the canal on the side of your street. Your boss had told you that if you're late one more time, he'll fire you. Do you take the time to save the dogs life? Why or why not?

I tag:


There are now 5 questions.

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