Fandom Tag!! <3 <3

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Okay, so I was tagged by stringslady to do this awesome fandom tag!! What you do is list your favorite fandoms and answer the following questions.


Push off a cliff: Lord Sidious
Set on fire: Jabba the Hutt
Be friends with: Anakin
Marry: Obi-Wan Kenobi
Wrap a blanket around: Fives
Be roommates: Ahsoka 

The Lord of the Rings!

Push off cliff: Gríma Wormtongue
Set on fire: Denethor
Be friends with: Arwen
Marry: LEGGY!!! *clears throat, embarrassed* Legolas.
Wrap a blanket around: Pippin
Be roommates: Eówyn

Star Trek!

Push off cliff: Khan
Set on fire: The Borg
Be friends with: Odo!
Marry: Spock!!
Wrap a blanket around: Wesley
Be Roommates: Jadzia Dax

DOCTOR WHO!! <3 <3

Push off cliff: Jack Harkness
Set on fire: Davros
Be friends with: Twelve
Marry: TEN!
Wrap a blanket around: Eleven
Be roommates: Amy

Ummm... Can't think of anything else! I'll tag...


You don't have to do this if you don't want to. I'll be nice and not make you!

Darth Vader: As if you could make them.


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