I Have No Idea What This Title Should Be So... I LOVE LEGOLAS! XD

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A/N: First off, we have a special guest in this chapter tonight! Please welcome Tolkienite3791, who shall be known as Tith!)



Darth Vader: *sighs* What?

Elisabeth: I'm bored.

I: No I'm not. And you should have said 'is' instead of- Oh, wait, you were talking about you, weren't you?

You: No, I wasn't talking about myself!

Myself: Who said you were?

I: What, no, I meant- Oh, never mind. I think I'm already confused.

Me: Don't refer to yourself in the third person!

Yourself: She didn't. She was talking about herself, not me.

Me: Uh, duh! I'm me, not any of you!

You: Again, I'm the only you here. I am You!

Eruwaedhiel: No you're not!!

Tith: *appears* Yay! I'm in Elisabeth's Book of Randomness!

Eruwaedhiel: Welcome, Tith! It is great to have you here tonight.

Darth Vader: -_- Can I just leave now? I hate you all.

Me: Oh yeah?! Well, we... uh, we dislike you very much!

Darth Vader *raises an eyebrow* That's the best comeback you've got?

Elisabeth: Well, it wouldn't be very Christian of us to hate you now, would it!? Right Tith?

Tith: Amen, preach it sister!

I: Hey, let's go to Middle-Earth!

Tith: Yes! Can we go to the Shire?

Eruwaedhiel: Yes! To the Shire we go!

GodismyDD: *writes them to Middle-Earth*

Darth Vader: *to GodismyDD* I thought you said writing didn't work that way.

GodismyDD: Well, it does in this chapter! Now, stop mentioning the author!

Elisabeth & Tith: Yeah! It's BREAKING the RULES!

*Thranduil, Legolas, Kili, Fili and Thorin enter the scene*

Legolas: *walks over to Eruwaedhiel* Suilad, meleth nin.

Eruwaedhiel: Le abdollens, laes.

Elisabeth, Darth Vader, Fili, Thorin, Me, Myself and I: *groans* Can you please not get all lovey dovey around us?!

Kili: What's wrong with a bit of romance?

Elisabeth: I have a love/hate relationship with it. And if it's not me with Legolas, then it's gross.

Eruwaedhiel: Lissy, I am you!

Thorin: *looks at Elisabeth and smirks* Lissy?

Elisabeth: Yeah, yeah. Shut up. *mutters* But it should be 'Lissy and Leggy', not 'Legolas and Eruwaedhiel*

Tith: *laughs* The first one DID sound better than that last one.

Elisabeth: I know right?! Hey, which one do you want to be your Middle-Earth boyfriend, Tith?

List of Singles:
1: Eomer
2: Frodo
3: Merry
4: Pippin
5: Thorin
6: Fili
7: Kili
8: Ori
9: Bofur
10: Dwalin
11: Gimli

Hmm... am I missing any? And Sam isn't single... but this is fiction so if you want Sam you can have him! ^-^

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