Life Is But A Dream

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     A little girl sat in a prison cell. Her eyes were bloodshot from lack of sleep, and she was slumped against a wall in the corner. She sang to herself over and over and over again: always singing, never sleeping.

     "Row, row, row your boat
     Gently down the stream

     Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily

     Life is but a dream."


     "I'm not awake, Doctor." The 'Crazy Girl' said, looking at him with wide and unblinking eyes. "I'm asleep right now. We're all sleeping- even you and you're blonde friend.

     "What do you mean?"

     "Everyone has come to believe this is their reality, when it isn't; because they're afraid of him."

     "Afraid of what? " Rose asked.

     "Of  him." The 'Crazy Girl' repeated. She then began chanting in a small and haunting voice:

     "He is a man, but not at night.
     He gives all beings quite a fright.
     His fur  is warm and black and thick,
     The thought of him makes all feel sick.
     He feasts upon flesh and his drink is blood,
     And he leaps from roof to roof without making a thud.
     He stalks you through the starlit forest, and he looks rather horrid.
     Is he here, or is he there? Well one thing is certain:
     He's your worst nightmare."


A little girl ran through the woods, trying to escape the beast that hunted her. She tried looking for her home, her family,but it wasn't there. The only thing she could see was this nightmare. The girl spun around when heaving breathing was heard behind her and froze. The beast was there, baring its sharp teeth. The beast growled before lunging for her throat...


     Rose looked at The Doctor in confusion. "Doctor, what are you saying?"

     "Life as you know it is a dream." The Doctor explained. "In the real world, when you're asleep, you come here. But instead of knowing this to be a dream, everyone thinks it is their reality when it is really the nightmares that are reality." 

     "So you're saying that the nightmare is really reality, and this is all a dream?"

     "Precisely!" The Doctor exclaimed."Now, what could possibly be the cause?"

     "Um... oh! That wolf creature! But no wolf is capable of- unless..."

     "Go on..."

     "Unless the creature isn't a wolf!"

     The Doctor lifted his brow and pointed at Rose. "Bingo!"


     Rose stood with her back to the wall behind her. She hurriedly felt around for the doorknob as the glowing red eyes got closer and closer. She heard the creature growl menacingly.

     "Oh Doctor, where are you?"


     What was that? you may ask. Well, I'm not quite sure! But I've been wanting to do a Doctor Who fanfiction for awhile (even though I have several other books I need to finish... I get writer's block real easy, okay!?) and this came to mind. What if life was but a dream? Hmm? Yeah, so that's how I got the ideas above. I'm not sure why I'm putting it in this chapter in this book though... eh, oh well! Does it sound like a good story? I can tell you another thing about it: it will be instense and will have many, many, MANY MANY MANY MANY  MMMMMMMAAAAAAANNNNNYYYYYYY  cliffhangers. Because I like cliffhangers. But that's only if I make this into an actual fanfiction. XP

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