My Brothers

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Me: Ew!!!! Smeagol is becoming Gollum and it showed him crunching a fish between his rotting teeth! A very juicy fish! It was so gross!!!!!!!

Darth Vader: Yes, that was disgusting.

Yoda: Gross it was.

Me: Oh, hello Master Yoda! *suddenly turns to audience* I almost forgot! Not only do we have Yoda as a special guest, but my brothers as well! But they must go by a nickname: therefore we have The Juggler and The Acrobat (The Juggler is the oldest boy [he comes after me])!

The Juggler and The Acrobat: *appear*

The Acrobat: *reads through this* So this is what all your chapters are like? Just a bunch of boring nothing?

Me: Uh, no! They can get pretty funny, if I do say so myself. And the audience seems to like them.

The Acrobat: Yeah.... sure.... so what are we doing here?

Me: Um, I'm not sure. Oh yeah! I remember!

Darth Vader: *rolls eyes*

Me: Oh stop rolling your eyes at me, Darthy! You're gonna get a headache from doing that so often one of these days.

The Juggler: Wait, you can tell when he rolls his eyes?

Me: Yep.

The Juggler: How?!

Me: I'm the author.

The Acrobat: Not for this chapter! You have all this random junk already: I want to write one! And The Juggler is going to help me.

Me: Nah... I'll write it how I think you would write it.

The Juggler: Okay.

The Acrobat: *crosses arms and frowns* Fine.

Me: Okay, so everyone, here is how my brother's book of random would go!

Chapter One: Pizza and Batman

The Juggler: *high voice* I am Groot! *low/deep/gravelly voice* I am Batman! *repeats non-stop*

The Acrobat: *interrupts* I AM PIZZA!

The Juggler: *Batman voice* No, I am pizza!

The Acrobat: I am Batman!

The Juggler: I am Batman!

The Acrobat: I am Batman!

The Juggler and The Acrobat: *argues like this for two hours*

Chapter Two: Pizza and Batman during Bible Trivia

Me: This ACTUALLY happened!

The Acrobat: *asks The Juggler the question on the card before adding Pizza*

The Juggler: *looking at his card and says to me* Why do you taste like pizza?

Me: Actually, it's Tuesday so I taste like tacos.

The Juggler: Oh yeah!

The End

The Juggler and The Acrobat: *arguing back and forth playfully*

The Juggler: I AM BATMAN!

The Acrobat: I AM GROOT!

The Juggler: I AM BATMAN!

The Acrobat: PIZZA!

Me: *rolls eyes* Brothers.

Yoda: Always joking, are they?

Darth Vader: Yeah. Every day.

Yoda: Know, how do you?

Darth Vader: Because live here, I practically do.

Oh, and a note! I won't be on here as much because I have been off my electronics more and we've also started school. But I will be on here from time to time. Probably almost every evening.

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