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Sidious: You won't win- you'll never win!

Yoda: *smiles calmly* The contrary, it is. Checkmate.

Sidious: *hisses in irritation and is silent again* So how have things at work been?

Yoda: Good, they have been. Irritating, not being able to prove who you really are is.

Sidious: *shrugs* I may not be on your level at chess, but in this battle between Dark and Light, I'm winning. *grins evilly*

Yoda: We shall see. *is silent for a moment* Next Friday, same time?

Sidious: *nods* And I'll beat you next time!

Yoda: Say that every time, you do.

Sidious: *is about to say something, then cuts himself off as he remembers something else* Wait, I can't make it next Friday; I'm going bowling with Vader, Maul, Savage, and a few other Sith buddies. *pauses* Would you care to make this a Sith vs Jedi game?

Yoda: *narrows eyes and looks at Sidious* On, it is.

~Two Hours Later~

Luke: *eyes widen slightly* You what?!

Anakin: You set a date for bowling with Sidious, Maul, Savage, and future me??!

Yoda: *simply nods*

Obi-Wan: Oh, I have a bad feeling-

Han: About this. Yeah, yeah, yeah...we know.

Obi-Wan: Actually, I was going to say I had a bad feeling that we'd lose.

Chewie: Grr uuuarrrrgggh.

Han: *rolls eyes* Oh, be quiet, Fuzzball.

Yoda: Come. Get going, we shall.


Sidious: Ah, Master Yoda, it's great to see you here.

Yoda: *sarcastically* Sure it is, I am.

Anakin: *narrows eyes at Vader slightly*

Darth Vader: *rolls eyes as his younger self- who still has all his limbs...and hair...and un-scarred skin...*

Maul: *glares at Ob-Wan: Kenobi.

Obi-Wan: *definitely doesn't seem pleased to see him* Maul.

Spongebob: *has appeared and hears everyone saying each others' names* Spongebob!

Darth Vader: No you don't! Not in this universe! *Force pushes him out of the galaxy and back to Bikini Bottom*

Anakin: That sounded more like something I'd say.

Darth Vader: Shut up. Anakin is dead.

Anakin: I'm standing right here.

Other bowlers: *are watching them wide-eyed, having thought that these people were the actors and were just staying in character*

Savage: *narrows eyes at all of them and growls* Nothing to see here!

Everyone: *scrambles out of the building*

Yoda: Conditions, there will be. No cheating there will be. *looks knowingly at Maul*

Maul: *looks around then points a finger at his chest* Who, me? *innocently*

Yoda: *gives him a flat look*

Maul: *looks down, then walks away as he mutters something under his breath*

Yoda: A troll, I am not!

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