Letter To Diamond

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Dear Diamond,
     When it comes to letter to people and stuff, I'm not so great with words, but I'll do my best. First off, I want to say how sorry I am for all of my mistakes. I never even realized or intended to be that way...I honestly don't know why I ever was. And now, I want to say thank you for never leaving me because of them. You are a true friend, and I love you like a sister- no, you are my sister. Thank you for always being there for me to talk to when I'm depressed, hurting, or just bored and need someone to talk to. Thank you for putting up with my confusing-ness and such.

The song above reminds me of you every time I listen to it. You know me so well, and I know you. I think of you all day, every day, from the time I wake up to the time I fall asleep. Sometimes, you're even in my dreams! I'm sorry for not listening- I thought I did and never realized I didn't. I'm sorry for always scolding you for things- if I really, really care about someone, I tend to do that for some reason(boy, aren't my kids gonna love me...). So if/when there comes a day when I stop giving you my opinion (and I always do my best to tell the truth in love), that's when you should start worrying. XD

I love you to pieces, and I would die inside all over again if I ever lost you. You mean more to me than I could explain, and it hurts me so much to know that I hurt you. You're my best friend, my sister, and I hurt when you hurt.

And another thank you for just being honest with me. Honestly, it would be better if you did say something, because I would rather you point out if I am being selfish or anything than to continue to be selfish without realizing it. I never intended to do anything like that- I even know what it feels like.

And here's yet another thank you for fangirling with me! I have no one else to fangirl with, so I love to talk to you about clones, Zabraks, and OC ships and such. Thank you for putting up with my random craziness. XP

I feel like there is so much more I could say, yet I don't know how to say it or to put it into words. So thank you again, Vodie, for always being there for me, for always being my friend; and know that you'll always be my sister. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

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