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Okay, so I got tagged by JesusSaves17

Here are the rules.

1: Post all of the rules

2: Tag 13 people

3: Post 13 facts about yourself

4: Answer the 13 questions given to you

5: Add 13 new questions for the people you tag

6: You can't say 'I don't do tags" as an excuse to get out of doing them

7: You have to post this in a book, not the comments.

8: Tag backs are allowed

9: You have to finish in a week

10: Be creative with the title

Okay, now for the original questions. I will answer them first, and then do the additional 13 given to me by JesusSaves17. Ready? Okay, here we go!

1: Favorite Color?

Hmm... I like black, and dark blue, and dark purple, and blood red, and hot pink, and dark green, and bright yellow, and teal. Wait, did I have to answer with only one color? Well, in that case... RAINBOW!!

2: What's your one true pairing or ship?

Well, I don't really watch romance movies... but I say Kili and Tauriel from The Hobbit! Well, except for the fact that... Kili... dies... *Cries a lake*

3: If you had a chance to meet any character from book/movie/TV series, who would it be?

Oh, um... The Doctor from Doctor Who! No, no! Um... Darth Vader! No! Thorin... Kili? Fili!? NO! Legolas!!!! Yup. Totally Legolas. Definitely. He's cool. <3

4: Day or night?

Day! I do like night. The moon and the stars are just so pretty! But I do think I prefer day. It's so sunny, and warm! I love the warmth! I hate cold weather. Brrrr! Winter and I do not get along!

5: Paperback or Hardback?

I have mostly paperback books, but I do like hardback! I like it for the same reason JesusSaves17 does. I love slamming a book shut when I'm finished with it! Say, when I'm done with my science book. I slam it shut as hard as I can. Lol :P

6: History or Geography?

Um... does the history of Middle-Earth count?

Darth Vader: No, I do not believe it does.

Okay then... um... Hmm... nope! Still Middle-Earth!

Darth Vader: *face-palms*

7: Cola or Pepsi?

Eenie meenie mini moe, catch a tiger by its toe

Myself: Why would I do that?! Poor tiger. Its toe must hurt.

Yeah... poor thing. Let's go with.... Cola! I do love Pepsi... but if you drink a lot of it it just has this weird-ish taste to it... am I the only one that notices this?

Darth Vader: You're weird, so yeah. Probably.

8: Have you ever met a celebrity?

Um... My imaginary friend is Legolas. Does that count?

Darth Vader: No, it does not! And what about me? You've met me.

Well, yeah. I have, haven't I!

Legolas: But that still doesn't count.


9: Favorite place in your house/ apartment?

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