Random List Thing! Part Two

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Here we go! Part Two of the Random List Thing! I tag theawkwardsparkle and dying-of-feelz-221B. Oh, and the button to randomize the list is actually called the 'randomize' button, I think. So yeah. Lol For those that I tagged, if you don't know what website to go to then please take a look at Random List Thing! Part One. It'll explain everything. ^_^

1: Mom/Dad:

Legolas (Great, so he's my dad now?! Well, on the bright side, it's WAY better than rival! XD)

2: Sibling:

Sam (Yay! Now Sam's my sibling! Funny thing is, I have a brother named Samuel. But he's not really like Sam, plus he's taller than I am. Lol XD)

3: Grandparent:

Sauron (Wow... my grandfather is an evil eye... okay then!)

4: Haunts you

Aragorn (So... he goes from being my sibling to haunting me. Well then. XD)

5: Spouse:

Gimli (O_O So now I'm marrying my father's best friend?! Okay... I'd rather marry Thorin or Kili or Fili. Hehe! :D XD)

6: Ex

Saruman (Funny, considering he was my spouse in the last tag! XD)

7: Best Friend:

Frodo (^_^)

8: Proposed to you

Boromir (Okay... I've never really liked Boromir. Ever since I was... like... probably five or six. Ever since then. Never liked him. First time I EVER liked him was in the book. Lol XD)

9: Boss

Gandalf (So... I'm like a Wizard-in-training. Cool. I like to think that Gandalf's powers come from God. I mean, he does use a staff, and God used His power through Moses' what now? Staff! I think J.R.R Tolkien intended to do that. It's pretty awesome, I think! ^_^)

10: Random person you met at a party:

Pippin (Yup. I can see that.)

11: Rival


12: Person you helped with buying a house:

Faramir (And last time he was haunting me. Lol)

13: Person you got on a sugar high and sang karaoke with

Eowyn (Now that I can't quite see... Lol)

     TTFN; Ta-ta for now! :D

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