My Favorite Character Tag

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I was tagged by SuperiorGhost to do a... I can't remember exactly what he called it. XP

Darth Vader: Of course you can't.

*rolls eyes* It was a word I'd never seen before, alright!? Anyways... I have a picture of my favorite character that I made for the tag.

Darth Vader: That's sad

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

Darth Vader: That's sad. *voice cracks ever so slightly*

Yeah... It is... Can't tell you how many times I cry (or my heart cries) when I watch Revenge of the Sith...

Darth Vader: Why do you even like that movie?

I'm not sure... When I was six it was my favorite because I finally got to see Darth Vader. It is a well made movie. It's... Just... Sad.

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