Something Unexpected Part II

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Me: Previously, Darth Vader, Me/Lissy/Eruwaedhiel/I/Many-More-Selves entered The Prancing Pony in Bree to discover that many others from several other fandoms were there: such as Batman, The Doctor, Phineas, Ferb and Perry, Katniss, Susan, and many others.

Legolas, Katniss, Thranduil, Bard, Kili, Thorin, Merida and Susan are having an archery contest-

Darth Vader: I think we forgot to mention one thing preciously.

Me: What's that?

Darth Vader: We forgot to mention that they had several people from every fandom watching the contest. Hawkeye was there as well: he just said that it would be unfair if he were to compete.

Me: Oh, right. Well, that happened. Anyways...

Darth Vader: Wait! I find our lack of an announcer disturbing.

Me: Ah, right! Who should our announcer be? Maybe Aragorn?

Darth Vader: Or Phineas and Ferb. They have been announcers before.

Me: Very true. But maybe we should choose someone unexpected.

Darth Vader: Who do you have in mind? Deadpool?

Me: No way! I don't know his personality, and I can't see the movie because it's over TV-17. It's rated R! And from what I've heard about it, I don't think I'd want to watch it until I'm, like, forty.

Darth Vader: Hmm... how about *whispers in Me's ear*

Me: *grins and nods*

Unknown: And all but one arrow has hit the center! Sorry Susan, but it looks like you're out of the competition!

Peter: You did good, Susan!

Susan: *smiles as she walks toward her siblings, who are in the stands*

Unknown: Now, on to round two! The next archery scene- *pauses and waits for a new scene*

GodismyDD: *adds a tree per archer with a target hanging from a branch*

Unknown: Thank you. Anyways, there's the next archery scene! I forgot what I was originally going to say while waiting for the author. *glares at GodismyDD, who shrugs* Our remaining archers are Legolas of Mirkwood, Katniss from- wherever she's from, Susan of Narnia, Bard the Dragon Slayer of Laketown, Thorin, Son of Thrain, son of Thror, King Under the Mountain, his nephew Kili, and Merida of... Disneyland. Good luck!

Darth Vader: I feel we could've done better with the announcer.

Me: *shrugs* Who doesn't love Daffy Duck?

Darth Vader: Bugs Bunny is loved by fans more than Daffy Duck.

Me: Fine.

GodismyDD: *writes Bugs Bunny in as the other announcer*

Bugs Bunny: Okay, get ready, get set, fire!

Daffy Duck: *ducks as if he's going to get shot any moment*

Bugs Bunny: Don't worry, Daff, it's rabbit season. I'm the one that should be afraid.

Daffy Duck: *glares at Bugs* How do I know you're not just tricking me like every other time?

Bugs Bunny: *shrugs* I suppose you'll find out one way or another.

*Legolas, Thranduil, Thorin, Kili, Merida and Katniss fire. This time, all but two hit the center of the target*

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