Hey, Sherlock!

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Me: Hey, Sherlock!

Sherlock: *sighs* What do you want?

Me: Guess what?! Well, never mind, because you actually would guess and not even say 'what?' and I want to tell you myself so I'll just tell you.

Sherlock: Someone has had too much coffee this morning. Or, should I say, creamer with a drop of coffee.

Me: Yeah... I don't like it black and bitter! I like it creamy and sssswwwweeeet!!!

Sherlock: What were you going to tell me?

Me: Um... I don't remember...

Sherlock: Then can you please leave me alone? You are very annoying.

Me: Good. Oh, wait! I remember!

Sherlock: *waits impatiently*

Me: I love Spanish! I love it almost as much as I love Elvish!!!!! It's so awesome and I can't wait to be able to carry on a conversation and speak the language fluently and then learn German and Chinese and Italian and to be able to speak fluently in Elvish and then learn the Black Speech!!!! Which actually won't be hard because they only have, like, thirty five words in their entire language!!!!!

Sherlock: ....... You might want to try decaf. Or tea.

Me: I don't like tea! *frowns*

Sherlock: Then switch to decaf coffee, or so help me I'll shoot myself instead of the wall.

Me: Fine Mr. High-Functioning-Grouchy-Sociopath-Pants! I'm going to go to Middle-Earth to annoy Thorin! *disappears*

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