My Freaky Dream! O_O

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Okay, so it happened awhile ago, but I had this really freaky dream.

Darth Vader: It seems that you have a lot of those.

Yeah, it depends. Anyways, it starts off with me waking up. My mom and dad are in the kitchen drinking coffee, and I open the fridge door to get milk and chocolate syrup to make chocolate milk.

Darth Vader: Of course.

Haha... yeah... well anyways, there was no milk so I was flipping out. So Dad said he'd go buy some. Two seconds later he suddenly has a jug of milk and I get my chocolate milk.

Later on my five siblings, mom and I are outside. I'm petting this talking black and white kitten that I really really loved (not just because it could talk either) and my mom was standing looking at the clouds. Then I saw three GIANT bugs on her, a horsefly, something else, and a cicada. So I got up and shooed them, but only the cicada stayed so I brushed it off of her.

Darth Vader: I'm surprised you still remember all of this.

Yeah. And I remember a LOT of details when I woke up: more then I usually do.

Anywho... a plane- orange and white- suddenly flies really low. It swoops down by our shed, then gets even lower, then hits a corner of the house, though neither the plane nor the house get damaged.

Then a gray and black helicopter and a white jet start firing at each other in one area of our front yard. Us kids rush inside and mom and dad go to help everyone (whoever 'everyone' was) fight. So us kids are in the house, which is shaking. I rush outside and I have a box of guns. Somehow when I picked them up I could see firepower and how many bullets were in it as if on a game screen. Each gun only had ONE bullet, and I think I missed every shot.

I run back inside to see people trying to get in to kill us. I leave my siblings- even though people are breaking in- to shoot at the plane and helicopter again. They had weapons, don't worry. Well, I assume so... everyone but my siblings were dead when I got back in.

Then it started raining. As the machines outside fired at each other, the house got flipped upside down and water started spilling in. Yeah, UPSIDE DOWN! And we were okay! Though I don't remember what happened to the talking kitten... or my cat... or the dog... Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that the kitten was a neighbor's and I tried getting my cat (Lyncoln/Lynx) to like her, but he didn't.

Anyhow, I come back in and we try to close the windows after the house is flipped upside down. Samwise Gamgee (yes, SAMWISE GAMGEE XD) helps we close a window, and I do remember seeing Frodo Baggins- but only once.

And then it began growing dark. Us kids could only watch the battle rage on. Then our house was destroyed and the battle stopped. So my siblings and I sat inside under the rubble, waiting for our parents to get back, wondering if they were still alive.

Darth Vader: Wow. Sounds like a realistic dream.

Yeah, it was! I woke up totally freaked out! I checked the fridge to make sure we still had milk! XD

Okay, so in the next 'scene', we were in a different house. Mom and I were in her room (which I didn't recognize as it was a new house). We were talking about different stuff and we happened to bring up the battle at our house. Mom was talking about a time after the battle but before our new house when we were on the road. She said she was afraid of dead people, and here's why:

Darth Vader: *raises an eyebrow* Afraid of dead people?

Yep. Here's why:

So mom and dad were driving in the dark. Me and my siblings were in the van, all asleep: probably still tired after that day. The van broke down, so Mom and Dad got out and Dad began looking at the engine. As he was working on it, Mom stood by the back door of the van (where us kids climb in). A woman walked up to her. It was midnight, now, so really dark, and it was really REALLY foggy and the moon was full.

This woman walks up to Mom. She has waist long black hair, red lips, and pale smooth skin, making her look exactly like an elf without the pointed ears. She and Mom start talking as if they know each other.

Then after a long conversation my mom asks, "Do I know you?"

The woman answers, "No, we never got the chance to meet." She looks my mom in the eye. "I died at your house two days ago."

Darth Vader: O_O

I KNOW RIGHT?! In real life as I was asleep I ACTUALLY felt a shiver go up my spine and I got goosebumps all over! IT WAS SO FREAKY!!!!!!!!! O_O

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