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Darth Vader: When are you going to tell me what's up with that Zabrak?

Me: You mean Koro?

Darth Vader: Yeah, him. You seem to know so much about him and he knows you as well as Anakin and I do, yet we don't even know him at all.

Anakin: Well I know more about him than you do.

Me: How so?

Anakin: I read your roleplay between you and Grnbunny16. *smirks* So nice of you to mention me in there.

Koro: *to Me* Ugh... I have you to thank for that?

Me: I like to embarrass my OCs. You're welcome. *smirks at Koro then looks back at Vader* So what all do you want to know about him?

Darth Vader: Who is he?

Me: Koro Nightshadow, ex-slave, ex-Sith, married to a Jedi.

Anakin: Yet you have a crush on him?

Me: *shrugs* He's sooooo cute....

Koro: *raises a brow at me*

Me: Okay.... anyways....

Darth Vader: You're hanging out with him, Maul, and Savage a lot lately.

Me: Yeah, they're funny when they're not being evil!

Darth Vader: ....

Me: So.... I have something to tell you, Darthy....

Darth Vader: ???

Me: You're no longer my absolute favorite Sith in Star Wars.... there are others now. You're still one of my favorites, I just have more than only you now....

Obi-Wan: *appears* Oh? And I suppose one of them is....

Me: Maul? Yes. Savage and Koro as well.

Obi-Wan: Of course it's Maul....

Maul: *appears* Why's he here? *points at Obi-Wan*

GodismyDD: Because I wrote him in here.

Darth Vader: Typed, you mean.

GodismyDD: Yeah, that. You're welcome!

Anakin: Vader went to the Darth Mall yesterday.

Darth Vader: Everything was half off.

Maul: (-_-) Hilarious. *he says flatly*

Me: *giggles* 

Maul: *glares*

Me: *quickly stops and innocently whistles* *stops whistling and sighs* I wish it was sunny out. It's so dreary....

Courage(OC Clone): It reminds me of Kamino.

Me: Ugh.... If it were sunny out I'd play croquet. *looks at Maul* Without you, this time.

Maul: *innocent* What? Why? What did I do?

Me: Don't play innocent with me! You were cheating! Using the Force to make the ball go where you wanted it too. And using a double-sided hammer thing.

Maul: *mutters* I only did that the last half of the game.... *louder* It's called a mallet.

Me: *glares, but giggles* *turns to Vader and General Grievous* Can you two help with  the dishes again?

Darth Vader: *sighs* Why??

Me: Because it goes quicker. Especially when you're racing. Sorry Qymaen, but the Force beats four arms.

Grievous: We'll see about that. I wanna rematch!

Anakin: Umm.... wow.

Me: What!? It's more fun that way....

Anakin: I hate doing dishes with you. You all scream and goof off....

Me: Only when my brothers are there and they start it!

Anakin: There's a baby in the house.

Me: She sleeps through our loudness.

Koro: A baby? Where?

Me: *shows him baby sister*

Koro: Awww, she's so adorable!

Maul: *smiles slightly*

Obi-Wan: *walks in to look at her* She is adorable.

Maul: *growls and eyes Kenobi warily*

Me: Great.... life is gonna be even crazier now with Maul here....

Savage: *stands silently in a corner with Feral and Pire*

Me: *starts singing Never Been A Moment by Micah Tyler*

Maul: Please do NOT start singing that song AGAIN!

Koro: You listen to it constantly.... *groans*

Me: I love it!!! I'm listening to it right now.

Darth Vader: Yeah, she is.

Maul: So you were once Skywalker?

Darth Vader: *nods*

Maul: I should've killed you when I had the chance. I was supposed to by the apprentice with power.... *growls*

Me: Oh hush. I like you better this way.

Darth Vader: What exactly is the point of this chapter?

Me: *shrugs* I dunno. Introducing the Zabraks I guess.

Darth Vader: You've been gone a lot lately.

Me: Yeah....

Maul: She's been roleplaying a lot. I'm in one of them. Koro is my ni aja (little brother).

Darth Vader: Of course. You're spending more time with the Zabraks. *rolls eyes*

Me: I thought you liked being alone. I annoy you.

Darth Vader: ....

Xoreis: Someone's jealous. *smirks*

Darth Vader: Wipe that stupid grin off your face.

Xoreis: *raises hairless brow* Or what?

Me: Guys.... *warning tone*

Xoreis: I'm merely curious. *looks at Vader* What'll you do? Choke me?

Darth Vader: That is very tempting.

Me: Oi! Cool it!

Xoreis: *snarls*

Me: *face palm* Guys....

Darth Vader: *turns to Me* So you like the Zabraks better now?

Me: No. I like them just as much as I like you.

Talown: *appears, red lightsaber in hand, then looks around in confusion* How did I get here?

GodismyDD: I wrote you here.

Talown: Well write me back. I was in a battle. And I have a mission to finish back on Korriban.

Me: *shudders* Why would you even want to be Sith...

Talown: Power.

Me: Of course. *rolls eyes*

Talown: *looks at Xoreis* You're the one that killed your overseer.

Xoreis: *scowls* You're the one that willingly joined the Sith.

Me: I'm.... just gonna end this chapter now. Bye!

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