Once Upon A Time There Was A Giant Spider That Attacked New York

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Me: I was tagged by SuperiorGhost!

Darth Vader: Another tag?

Me: Yep! And there are rules. So here they are:

1: You must post all the rules.
2: You can't refuse the challenge.
3: You have one week.
4: You've gotta put it in a book.
5: List 13 facts about yourself.
6: Have a creative title.
7: Tag 13 people.
8: Tell me when when you're done

Darth Vader: We've not had Rules state the rules in awhile.

Me: Yeah... she's just so... ugh...

Darth Vader: Too happy all the time.

Me: Exactly! Even I have my unemotional moments.

Darth Vader: And, strangely enough, I don't like those moments. I'm used to you always being happy. You were in one of those moods last night- it was Ood.

Me: Yeah. I felt Ood as well.

Darth Vader: That's because you are an Ood.

Me: *shrieks* An Ood!? Do I really have tentacles and hold my brain? Oh wait... maybe that's how I often forget to put my brain in... wow... I am an Ood! Just... a human-looking Ood... Well anyways!

1: I'm currently listening to One Man Phantom of the Opera Medley by Nick Pitera. I love his voices. But it's not fair! He can sing higher than I can; and he's a dude!!

Darth Vader: You rasp or squeak if you sing that high.

Me: I know! It's not fair!!!

2: I'm going to write yet another tag after this, as I was tagged either last night or a few nights ago. I can't remember exactly when it was... could've been last night... or the night before...

Darth Vader: *hands me my brain* Think for once!

Me: Okay, okay, sheesh! *puts brain in and thinks hard*

Darth Vader: Don't think to hard, you'll hurt yourself.

Me: *takes brain out* Already did. Headache! I'm done with this thinking stuff for now...

3: After I write the other tag, I plan on playing Lord of the Rings Online.

4: I love the Phantom from The Phantom of the Opera.

5: Yoda is awesome.

Darth Vader: That one isn't about you.

Me: Does it have to be? Ooh! The dude that sings like a girl is singing The Phantom of the Opera song now! Higher than I can go! Not fair! Anyways...

5: I love Yoda.

There Darthy, is that better?

Darth Vader: Much.

6: I still haven't finished my math. I need to do that.

7: Tomorrow is my birthday.

8: I want to write my own story about dragons. There will be different colors, and each color has its own typical personality and behavioral trait.

9: I just got back inside from swinging and listening to music. It feels nice out there; considering it's November.

10: My music just ended, and I'm not sure what to listen to now.

11: I'm a Time-Elvish Dragon that is capable of shape shifting. I prefer the color white as my fur/scale color: with unearthly blue eyes.


13: I wanted a kitten since I was seven as well, and I got my first cat when I was ten. We had to move to Missouri, so we gave my cat to my best friend's grandma (she and I talked about cats for a WHOLE HOUR one time). I still get to see her every Black Friday! Since Patches (my first cat's name) I'd gone through twenty six cats. Most were strays and disappeared. Two were my pets for awhile.

     Meowmie was my pet for three years, but was shot (purposely) by my neighbor on Black Friday. Mom said we wouldn't get a new cat after her, and I was heart broken because I'm always sad without a cat. All I think about is cats, so... yeah.

     A month later there was a stray who was so thin you could see his ribs. He must have been raised indoors, because he kept trying to get inside the church and it seemed that he hadn't hunted. He begged for food like a dog. So I took him home (mom did say no more cats after him though). I named him Thomas Michael O'Malley. Turns out he was a Maine Coon mix. Loved him so much! Then we moved and he disappeared shortly after. He NEVER went outside and hated it, so I had a feeling our landlord (and my mom's friend) took him. Well, I was right. I know my cats!

     After that I prayed for a gray tabby striped male kitten that was at least part Maine Coon. I prayed he'd be cuddly and tiny and the sweetest cat I'd ever had. Guess what I got? The exact little kitten! He's a year old now though and not so little. I named him Lyncoln (Lynx) Abraham Elishama. Elishama, because it means "God Hears", and it is very true!

Darth Vader: Thirteen was supposed to be one fact.

Me: It was! It was the same subject the entire time anyways. Cats!

Darth Vader: *gives me a look*

Me: Okay, okay! I'm done now, so... sheesh! I tag:

Phantom1880 (do you do tags?)

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