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Elisabeth *enters the room Darth Vader, Legolas, Thranduil, Thorin, Kili, Fili, Dwalin, Balin, and Bofur are in*

Darth Vader: *sighs* Oh great. You're here.

Elisabeth: Yup! Don't pretend you hate it so much Darthy! I know you like me deep down where you're still Anakin!

Darth Vader: For the last time I AM NOT ANAKIN!

Elisabeth: Yeah, sure, whatever. *walks over to Thorin then shouts* THOOOORRRRIIIINNN!

Thorin: *covers ears* WHAT?! WHY DO YOU ALWAYS DO THAT????!!!!!!

Elisabeth: *shrugs* I dunno. Whatcha dooin?

Thorin: Leaving. *leaves room*

Kili & Fili: *laughs*

Legolas: You're actually not hyper for once. I was expecting you to be acting all crazy.

Elisabeth: Well, I'm not always super hyper, ya know.

Pippin: *enters room with a glass of chocolate milk* Hey Lissy! What's up!

Elisabeth: Nothing much, Pip! What about- *sees chocolate milk* THERE'S CHOCOLATE MILK HERE?!!!!?? *rushes to the kitchen and gets chocolate milk* CHOCOLATE MILK IS PRECIOUS!!!!!!!!!

Gollum/Smeagol: Chocolate cants be as precious as THE Precious, no, Precious. Gollum!

Elisabeth: IT'S BETTER! HA!

Smeagol: We doesn't believes you!

Elisabeth: OH YEAH?! THEN JUST TRY IT!!!!

Smeagol: Never!

Elisabeth: *chases Gollum* TRY IT! IT'S DELICIOUS! CHOCOLATE IS PRECIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! CHOOOOOOOCCCCCOOOOOLLLLLLLLAAAAAAATTTEEEE!!!!!!!!!! *catches Gollum and pours it down his throat*

Smeagol: *eyes widen in delight* *takes Ring off* *yells at Gollum/The Precious* LEAVE NOW, AND NEVER COME BACK!!!!!!!!!!!


Smeagol: *strokes glass of chocolate milk* The new Precious!

Darth Vader, Kili, Fili, Thranduil, Legolas, Dwalin, Balin and Bofur: O_O

A/N: I was LITERALLY drinking chocolate milk and texting a friend about chocolate milk being precious when I wrote this. ROTFL XD)

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