Let's Go!

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Me: Hola, everyone! I would like to introduce a new me!

Thorin: No, please, not another you!

Me: Yep! This one is called Yo, which is Spanish for Me: according to Google Translate. I always thought Yo was I... okay, well, I and Me are kinda the same... so it still works! Yo, welcome!

Yo: Hola a todos! Es agradable estar aqui y bueno para cumplir con todos ustedes!

Thorin: What language is that?

Me: Spanish: a language from Earth.

Darth Vader: What did she say?

Me: She said hello everyone, it's nice to be here and good to meet you. Not word for word, but it's basically what she said.

Darth Vader: So are you fluent in Spanish?

Me: Not yet. :( I'm using Google Translate right now: but I am capable of carrying on a very very small conversation with someone who speaks Spanish. Like, names and such... But one day I will be fluent! :D

Yo: Si! A continuacion, vamos a aprender frances, ruso, aleman, italiano, zulu, swahili, japones, chino, y es de esperar muchos, muchos mas! :D

Darth Vader: I have no idea what she said, but she sounded excited.

Me: She is. Just a list of languages we're gonna learn. Like French (after Spanish), Russian, German, Italian, Zulu, Swahili, Japanese, Chinese, and many, many more.

Thorin: I don't know much about Earth or its languages, but aren't there supposed to be 'accents' above the letters when you're typing Spanish?

Me: Yeah. But I can't figure out how to do it on a laptop. :( I even looked it up and did what it said and it still didn't work!

Darth Vader: Sometimes technology is stupid. And then other times it saves your life.

Me: Yeah, like my laptop vs your suit. One is stupid and the other saved a life.

Yo: Hey, donde esta Perry el Ornitorrinco?

Me: Hmm... No lo se. Probablemente la lucha el Doctor D de nuevo.

Thorin and Vader: *look at Me in confusion*

Me: We're just wondering where Perry is.

Yo: Asi que cuando se algo gracioso va a pasar? Este capitulo es aburrido hasta ahora.

Me: Oh, hush. Well, I guess you are right... I don't know. I'll have to think of something funny.

10th Doctor: *appears* Hey Lissy, do you wanna build a snowman?

Me: Um... not really... last time we went to build a snowman the snowman came to life and tried to kill us.

Doctor: Alright. Do you wanna kill a dragon?

Thorin: *face palm* I hate that parody.

Me: Eh, I thought I did a pretty good job with it. Not to brag or anything... and I love dragons, so I'm not sure I would want to kill one.

Doctor: Hmm... do you wanna solve a mystery?

Me: With Sherlock Holmes and John Watson? That might be fun. He's trying to figure out who you are, you know.

Yo: Que hay de robamos un TARDIS?

Doctor: That is a fantastic idea! What do you say, Lissy, do you wanna steal a TARDIS?

Me: Hmm... meaning I would have one of my own. *strokes chin then shrugs* Sure, why not?

Darth Vader: I'm coming too: to make sure you do steal one.

Me: What, don't think I could or would?

Darth Vader: You're a goody two shoes.

Me: Depends...

*Everyone steps into the TARDIS*

Yo: Vamonos!

Doctor: You said it, Yo! Allons-y!

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