Questions and Answers and More Questions!

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Darth Vader: I thought we were going to watch Doctor Who.

Me: Yes, just one moment please! Well, actually, since you're ahead of me just watch it. But you're still staying here. Because every chapter is more awesome with you. Anywho... I was tagged by stringslady. At the end of this chapter I have to add some new questions. And if I read her chapter right, you only have to answer the new questions. So I'll answer stringslady's questions and whoever I tag only has to answer my questions and add their own. Here we go!

1: What is one book on Wattpad you wish people would read more (not your own)?

Answer: SuperiorGhost's book titled Just Writing Randomness, because it's a super awesome book! And An Arrow Or Two by foreversmaug.

Darth Vader: That was two.

Me: Whoops.

2: What is one goal you hope to accomplish in the new year?

Answer: Hmm... I'd not really given this any thought. Um... getting more of my story, In Dreams, updated, I guess.

3: What is the number one thing you want for Christmas?

Answer: For Middle-Earth and Legolas to exist!

Darth Vader: Something that actually could happen.

Me: Fine. Um............................................................................... I'll go with a violin. I so badly want one!!!!!

4: Do you have a favorite Christmas tradition? Is so, what is it?

Answer: We wake up, eat cinnamon rolls and drink coffee, then we go to the living room and our dad reads us the Christmas story. Then we give and receive gifts (in orderly fashion; youngest to oldest) while we listen to Christmas music (or the fireplace thing on Netflix). Another one that's not on Christmas day is to watch the Polar Express while drinking hot chocolate. During the hot chocolate song. XP

5: What is your all time favorite breakfast food?

Answer: Deserts! Homemade cinnamon rolls and coffee (with creamer) is my all time favorite. So Christmas breakfast. XP

6: What is your idea of a perfect day?

Answer: A day where I feel joyful for no particular reason- the joy that Jesus Christ fills me with. The sun is shining, the grass is green, the creek is running, it's warm with a slight breeze, and I feel joyful and at peace. It's even better if I'm spending it with people I love.

7: Can you whistle?

Answer: Yes, yes I can! Well, yes and no.

Darth Vader: I knew this one was going to be a long one.

Me: I could whistle loud and clear, my cat would respond to them! Then I got braces and a bite plate on the roof of my mouth, and I couldn't whistle at all! Or sing or speak without slurring BIG time! It was terrible! Then I finally got used to it and didn't slur (as much), but I still couldn't whistle. Now I have it off and I can whistle, but sometimes I still have to try a couple of times before I get it right.

8: Name one thing you love about yourself?

Answer: Uh...

Darth Vader: She doesn't like answering things like that.

Me: No... it makes me feel like I'm bragging on myself.

Darth Vader: Then I'll answer it.

Me: It'll still be me... but okay.

Darth Vader: The fact that she can bark like a dog and meow like a cat. Not to mention the coyote howl.

Me: Eh, I'm rusty on the howl now. I didn't practice it enough. And let's stop there- I still feel like this is bragging on myself.

Darth Vader: Fine, I'll stop. Or you'll stop. Being an imaginary character is so... Ood.

Me: I bet. Anyways... next question!

9: Are you enjoying this tag?

Answer: Yes, yes I am!

10: What was the first book you published on Wattpad?

Answer: It was either Dracula's Zing or Spock's First Love (the latter is no longer up, as I need to edit that one big time).

Me: And now I need to add my own questions! Okay... questions... questions...

1: What is your favorite emoji?
2: What is your favorite board game?
3: Books or movies?
4: What is your best talent?
5: Do you prefer headphones or earbuds?
6: What, in your opinion, is the worst thing about TV?
7: What does the number 7 mean to you?
8: If you could choose, would you be an only child or have six-seven siblings?
9: Phineas and Ferb or Spongebob Squarepants?
10: Indians or Native Americans?

I tag:


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