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31 6 9

I was tagged by Tolkienite3791

1: Sexuality?

Um, straight. I'm a Christian and don't believe that it's right to be gay or lesbian. And I honestly think it's gross... In the beginning was Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.

2: Gender?

Female. Obviously. Lol I doubt I act like a guy. You can tell I'm a girl just by reading my Book of Random. Lol Also my name is on my profile... Lol XD

3: Happy?

Um... I think so... let me check...

Me: Anakin!

Darth Vader: Again, I am not Anakin. What do you want now?

Me: Am I happy?

Darth Vader: Knowing you, most likely. You look a bit tired though.

Me: Yeah I was at a friend's house from Friday up until this afternoon and was up until 1 a.m every night so... yeah... I'm tired. But it was SOOOO MUCH FUN!!!! ^-^ :D

Darth Vader: And there it is.

4: Last song that you listened to?

Into the West by Annie Lennox.

5: Hair Color?


6: Zodiac?

Um... I have no idea what that is. The only time I've heard the word 'Zodiac' is from a Japanese Anime called Fairy Tail and they're Zodiac Keys. Lol :P

7: Last kiss?

The only people I've ever kissed on the lips in my life were my cousins when I was three. My siblings on the forehead or cheek when they were babies (although my youngest sister sucked on my lips when she was a baby if that counts XD) and my parents on the lips when I was little. Other than that no one, unless you're referring to non-humans, in which case I have kissed my cat. Lol

8: Fave color?

Um.... let's see... black, blood red, royal purple, navy blue, magenta, hot pink, hunters green, and I think that's it...

Darth Vader: I hope so. Why am I here?

Me: Because I like it when you're here. You're fun! ^-^

Darth Vader: Yes, because 'fun' is what I'm going for. (-_-)

9: Favorite food?


Obi-Wan Kenobi: I think her brain just broke down.

Me: THERE ARE TOO MANY!!!!!! Okay, so, CHICKEN! and... chicken noodle casserole, green beans, baked beans, home made macaroni, and PIZZA!!!! :P

10: Battery Percent?

100% because I'm on my laptop and it has to be plugged in 24/7 or it dies within five minutes. (-_-) It's an old laptop.

11: Celebrity Crush?


Darth Vader: Really? You just HAD to ask her THAT question?!

Obi-Wan Kenobi: *sighs* This is going to take awhile.

Me: No, not too long. Actors, not fictional characters. So it won't take too terribly long. Maybe. Let's see...

Orlando Bloom (When he was younger)
Richard Armitage
Benedict Cumberbatch
Sean Astin
Dean O'Gormon

See? That didn't take too long.

12: Favorite Veggie?

I hate veggies. Yeah, not a good thing, I know. I need to eat them and get used to them again. But I do like green beans, but only when they're cooked.

13: Eye Color?


14: Shoe Size?

Um... depends. But I either wear a size 5 or 5 1/2 in women's size.

15: Dream Job?

Well, I used to want to be a vet. But now I don't and I think working with horses and/or big cats would be really cool. Maybe even a rescue farm! But I'll be happy with whatever God wants me to do.

I'd like to tag:



and , but you don't have to since you don't usually do tags. 

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