An Hour To Watch Half An Hour

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Okay, so, I'm watching Rise of the Planet of the Apes with my three sisters and two brothers. We've been watching this for an hour, but we're only half am hour into the movie.

Darth Vader: Yes, because your siblings ask SO many questions. Do they realize that their questions will be answered further on in the movie?

I don't know. Oh, and one time my sister had to go to the bathroom so I paused it, and we all started making ape/monkey noises.

Darth Vader: And you all started screaming like apes.

Yeah... And the dog got really hyper. XD And we all started walking around like apes.

Darth Vader: And you joined your siblings.

Uh... Um... I... DON'T JUDGE!

Darth Vader: You're so immature.

So? I can be mature when maturity is needed. Besides, all you did was laugh at us.

Darth Vader: I don't laugh.

Well, you did.

Anyone else ever have those crazy/funny/awesome family  moments?

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