
53 7 3

Me: This is fantastic!

Darth Vader: *groans* Please tell me this isn't ANOTHER tag!

Me: I can't do that.

Darth Vader: Why not?

Me: Because it is another tag. I was tagged by SuperiorGhost to answer the questions he added to the last tag in this chapter. Man, I've been getting so many tags lately! I love it! Geronimo!

Darth Vader: I assume you want me to list the questions?

Me: Yup!

Darth Vader: Fine. Do we have to get Rules again?

Me: Nah, the same rules in the last one apply for this chapter. Fire away!

Darth Vader: Just to shorten this, I'm going to list them all right now.

1: If you were promised one complete and honest answer to one question, what and who would you ask?

We already did that one.

Me: Well, we'll do it again! I'll let you answer that one.

Darth Vader: Fine.

2: What is your favorite fandom?
3: What is your greatest fear (You don't have to answer if you don't want to)?
4: What is time?
5: How would you explain your life with one word?
6: Who is Who to you?
7: Who is your favorite DC comics character?
8: Who is your favorite Marvel character?
9: How would you deal with a Dalek invasion?
10: ??? (Don't skip this question, answer it)

Me: Wow, number 10 is gonna be fun! Anyways, Vader, you answer the first one.

Darth Vader: You can answer it.

Me: How about we both answer it?

Darth Vader: Fine.

Me: Okay! I already did this one and, at the time, I wasn't sure how to answer so I asked Darth Vader a question (after black mailing- well, pink mailing him). I now know how to answer it. I would ask God why Satan rebelled against Him. And if I could ask more questions, I'd spend a thousand years asking all kinds of different questions. XP

Your turn Darthy.

Darth Vader: ... I really do not know. I... well, I just thought of one. The question would be for you.

Me: Okay! ^-^

Darth Vader: Why do you hang around me so much? Out of all your different imaginary friends, including your imaginary love (Legolas), why me?

Me: Well, because you aren't liked by very many. No one is willing to forgive you for what you've done. And they still think you're a threat because you're still trying to get out of the habit of being evil. You just need a friend that will be your friend no matter what.

Darth Vader: ... *blank expression on the exterior, getting kind of emotional on the inside*

Me: Well, on to question 2!

2: My favorite fandom... well, it is impossible to pick one, so when I'm into LOTR, then it's LOTR. When I'm into Star Wars, then Star Wars. When Doctor Who, then Doctor Who and so forth.

Darth Vader: As I said to SuperiorGhost, you sound fickle.

Me: No, I just have a lot of fandoms.

3: My greatest fear... hm. My greatest fear is the scariest thing in all of existence: bugs. Especially spiders.

Darth Vader: Bugs?

Me: Yup. Which is why I need someone like Indiana Jones. I can take care of the snakes, and he can take care of the bugs and spiders. *shudders* I've hated bugs since I was two. Literally.

4: Time is a big ball of wibbly-wobbly, timey-wimey... stuff.

Darth Vader: I think I know your favorite fandom: at the moment.

5: Crazy. My life in one word is crazy.

6: Who is Who to me?
Who is someone only I can see.
Who is the thing that opens or closes a door
Making someone pass out on the floor,
Who is the noise that scares you in the middle of the night,
Who is the being that gives you a fright.
Who is the one making that spoon seem to float in the air,
And Who is your worst nightmare.

Darth Vader: That... was actually pretty good.

Me: I never thought I could just make a poem just like that! I was hardly even thinking! It must've been Who...

Okay! Seven!


Darth Vader: Oh no...

Me: Hey, Darthy, knock-knock.

Darth Vader: *hesitant* Who's there?

Me: Bec.

Darth Vader: Bec who... *face palms* Oh-


There are this HISHE or How It Should Have Ended videos, and there is How The Dark Knight should have ended (there's a video for all three) and there are these Super Cafe videos on YouTube with Batman and Superman (they're always drinking coffee together) and in EVERY SINGLE video Batman says, "BECAUSE I'M BATMAN!" And they are the funniest things ever!

Superman: *appears* No, it is not funny! It's annoying!

Batman: *appears* You're just saying that because you wish you were as awesome as I am!

Superman: I am WAY cooler than you! I'm an alien for crying out loud!

Batman: Just because you're from a different planet and are a 'super man' doesn't make you awesome! I, however, am awesome. Do you wanna know why?

Superman: Why?

Me: *facepalm* You walked right into that one.


*Batman and Superman disappear*

Me: Okay, anyways-

Darth Vader: Eight.

8: My favorite Marvel character is... oh, uh... let's see... Hulk, Daredevil, Wolverine, and Spiderman, and the Fantastic Four, of course... um... for a more realistic superhero who's really only a blind ninja with extraordinary abilities, Daredevil! For an actual hero though... Spiderman. I've always loved Spidey! Although Wolverine is awesome...

Darth Vader: Just pick one now and pick a different one another time.

Me: Okay! Daredevil.

9: Wow, how would I deal with a Dalek invasion? Well, I always imagine myself working with the hero in such a tragedy, but in reality I'd probably be sssoooo scared! However, fighting them off would be the only option. Either die fighting or die being a coward. I wouldn't go down without a fight. I would assume that The Doctor was around since Daleks were, so I would find the Doctor and see how I could help.

Darth Vader: You almost sounded like a logical Vulcan.

Me: Hopefully not the Vulcan part, but it would be logical.

10: Question ten is ???

And my answer is Penguin.

That's all now! I'm sure people are getting tired of being tagged, so I'll only tag a few.


Okay! My hands hurt from typing, so I'm gonna have to get off. I'm gonna go watch Doctor Who with Darthy, so later! God bless! ^-^

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