My Sad Life Of Lonely Boredness

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*Elisabeth is sitting in her living room on the couch in major boredom and sadness, watching Looney Tunes.*

Bugs: *points Elmer's gun at Daffy* Duck season!

Daffy: *points gun back at Bugs* Wabbit season!

Bugs: Duck season!

Daffy: Wabbit season!

Bug: *moves barrel to Daffy, then back to himself* WABBIT SEASON!

Daffy: *points gun at himself* DUCK SEASON!

Bugs: Wabbit season!

Daffy: I say it's Duck Season, and I say fire!

Elmer: *shoots Daffy*

Daffy: *glares at Bugs* You're despicable.

Jewel(the dachshund): *jumps onto couch and starts whining for unknown reasons- possibly boredom and loneliness*

Elisabeth: *ignores her, then feels bad because she feels the exact same way Jewelsie does so she pets her*

Jewel: *climbs into Elisabeth's lap*

Elisabeth: *pets her for awhile then stops*

Jewel: *whines*

Elisabeth: *pets her more*

Looney Tunes: *ends*

Elisabeth: *sighs, not wanting to get up due to the fact that Jewel is keeping her warm*

Jewel: *lays head down*

Lyncoln(Elisabeth's cat): *meows*

Siblings: *playing and talking in their bedrooms*

Parents: *talking to each other and baby Rachel in bedroom*

Elisabeth: *slips into an even sadder state*

Lyncoln: *trills*

Elisabeth: *trills back*

Lyncoln: *trills*

Elisabeth: *trills back then meows*

Lyncoln: *trills then meows*

Elisabeth: *sighs again in lonely boredness*

Anakin: *interrupts story* What is this!?

Darth Vader: The sad, lonely, bored and depressed her.

Anakin: Well, it needs to stop because it's-

Elisabeth: Boring? Yeah. Welcome to my boring life.

Anakin: If you don't want to get up to get another Looney Tunes disc, then why not watch something on Netflix?

Elisabeth: Internet's out. *hears one of Will's cats growling and her cat trying to be friendly* Precious! Be nice to my baby!!!! If you dare lay a claw on him, you will get a squirt bottle to the face!

Cats: *calm down*

Jewel: *gets up to get a drink*

Elisabeth: *gets up and puts new Looney Tunes disc in*

Jewel: *steals Elisabeth's spot on the couch*

Elisabeth: *picks Jewelsie up, kisses top of her head, then sets her back down in her lap*

Anakin: So, um... Is life always this dull?

Elisabeth: Every day is different; there are just always these boring moments. Thursdays are actually our busiest. My siblings go to gymnastics and I go to a friend's house or stay home alone.

Anakin: Staying home alone sounds boring...

Elisabeth: *smiles* Actually, home alone is AWESOME!! It's quiet, I'm alone, and it's quiet, and I get to do whatever I want, and it's quiet! Oh, and we get soda pop on Thursdays. Don't get me wrong, however; I LOVE going to my friend's house (SBGBWB)! Only social interaction I get besides my Wattpad friends and my imaginary friends...

Darth Vader: You and your friend together... *chuckles*

Elisabeth: You were there!? What all did you hear...?

Darth Vader: Well, I heard you read Megan your roleplay with ARC_Trooper_Fives and ChristianWriter16 from the Star Wars Clone Wars RP book in Geonosis by Grnbunny16.

Elisabeth: Heh-heh... It's an interesting roleplay.

Darth Vader: And romantic.

Anakin: *raises eyebrows* Oh, really now?

Elisabeth: *rolls eyes* Yes. And it was pretty interesting. And I want to see if I can write a book based on that, because I can't find a single story on here about a Clone and a Jedi falling in love.

Anakin: A Jedi and a Clone, eh?

Elisabeth: Yup. It. Is. ADORABLE! Hey... I got an idea for a cooler story...

Darth Vader: Good, because you began writing this one about two days ago.

Elisabeth: Yeah... I was very bored. ANYWAYS! Oh wait... what was it... I was thinking about it this morning...

Darth Vader: You mean while you were brushing your teeth and singing?

Anakin: At the same time!?

Elisabeth: *nods* Yep. At the same time. *walks to the kitchen and steps on a bug* Uh-oh! Better not tell Flick I accidentally killed his friend...

Darth Vader: Technically this would be premeditated murder since you were thinking about putting this in your book this morning.

Elisabeth: But it was gonna be a lightning bug, not a regular bug.

Darth Vader and Elisabeth: *bicker about whether or not this was murder*

Anakin: It was a bug! Not like it was human!!

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