HELP US!!!!!!!

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Me: (-_-) I hate Good Luck Charlie so much.

Thorin: For once, I agree with Elisabeth.

Darth Vader: *sighs* I know. I do too. It is one of the dumbest shows to ever exist!

Me: It's so unbiblical! Yet, when it's on the TV, I watch it! Ugh! Curse me and my watching whatever's on when I'm bored!

I: I know, right?! Ugh I hate how Amy Duncan is the ruler of the home! It shouldn't be the wife, but the husband!

You: I agree. But should we really be ranting about it on Wattpad? I'm not sure anyone really cares.

Me: Eh. We've ranted before. Let's just make this funny so no one will really care about the ranting part.

Silly Self: Okay! Let's see... something crazy... HELLO!

Serious Self: Uuuuuuuuhhhhhhmmmmm.....

Silly Self: You're no fun!

Myself: Only she's not fun. We have a 1% serious side, although in serious situations we can be at least 99% serious.

Me: *raises a skeptical eyebrow*

Myself: *sighs* Okay, okay, 89%. But still! Impressive considering how crazy all of us are!

Us: Yes, crazy, we are.

I: Since when do we have a Yoda side?

Me: I have no idea.

Elisabeth: Well, I love it!

GodismyDD: Honestly, I kinda got it from SuperiorGhost.

Myself: Fun to speak like Yoda, it is.

Darth Vader: Not to interrupt your... interesting... conversation, but this isn't very random.

Thorin: Or funny.

Me: Ugh! I know! We'll just have to go annoy Sherlock!

Elisabeth: Nah, it's too hot to travel.

I: But all we have to do is think ourselves there.

Elisabeth: ... True. *grins* Guess what I have?

Thorin: Oh great... what?

Elisabeth: COFFEE! But it's decaff. :(

Thorin: Well, we don't want you up late.

Me: Why? There's no school tomorrow anyways!


Myself: NO SCHOOL?!

Elisabeth: *jumping off the walls and ceiling like a female version of Spider-Man* NO SCHOOL?! NO SCHOOL! NO SCHOOL! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!! NNNNNNNOOOOOOO SCHOOOOOOOOOOOLLLLLLL!!!!!!!

Thorin: O_O

Darth Vader: *facepalm* And that was even decaff.

*Thranduil, Sherlock, Legolas, Aragorn and Boromir appear*

Sherlock: She finally took my advice, I see. Although, decaff almost has the same effect as regular. 

Thranduil: We'll simply have to take away her creamer.

Boromir: *frightened look in his eye* One does not simply take away Elisabeth's creamer.

Legolas: I agree with Boromir. 

Aragorn: For once, I'm with Boromir.


Gollum: O_O No, chocolate milk is Precious! Yesssss Precccioussss..."

Elisabeth: *stops bouncing off of walls and ceiling* Ooohhh! Yes! CHOCOLATE MILK IS PRECIOUS!

Tith (Tolkienite3791): *appears* WHERE'S THE CHOCOLATE MILK!!!!????

Elisabeth: IN THE KITCHEN! FOLLOW MEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!

Gollum: *runs after Tith and Lissy (Elisabeth) to get chocolate milk*

*Three hours later at 1 in the morning*

Darth Vader, Thorin, Boromir, Aragorn, Legolas, Sherlock, and everyone else: *groans and look very very tired and miserable*

Elisabeth: TITH!

Tith: YEAH?!


Tith: Si! Vamos!

Darth Vader: Oh no... *chokes as Tith and Lissy pour chocolate milk down his mask* I *choke* like it better *choke* when I'm the one *choke* choking *choke* people! *choke*

Elisabeth: GOLLUM! LET'S GET MORE!!!


Everyone: O_O

Legolas: You'd think we'd be used to this by now.

Thranduil: Ugh... I don't think we ever could. They're so creepy they'd be capable of killing immortals just by being on a sugar high.

Legolas: Agreed.


Me, Myself, I, Us, and GodismyDD: WE'RE JOINING YOU!

*Another two hours later, at 3 in the morning*

GodismyDD, Elisabeth, Tith, Me, Myself, I, You, Yourself, and Us: *screaming, laughing, and bouncing off the walls and ceiling* I LOVE SUGAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Everyone Else: HELP US!!!!!!! 

Elisabeth: *suddenly stops* How did our sitcom rant lead to this?

Tith: Uuhh... I don't know! I'm too hyper to remember! 

Elisabeth: Me and my goldfish memory... AGAIN!

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