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Darth Vader: *walks into the living room*

Me: *tearing up while staring at the TV*

Darth Vader: *looks at the TV* (-_-) Seriously?

Me: Look at how little you were!

Darth Vader: *mutters* I hate this memory.

Me: Why? Because it was before you were evil or because you were a slave then?

Darth Vader: *murmurs* Both.

Me: You were so little! I already feel like crying just knowing what happens later! But then again I have always LOVED Darth Vader: but still!!!!!

Darth Vader: *happens to pick up my phone and turns it on* Are you serious? Your lock screen is I Am [] [] [] Locked?

Me: Heh-heh-heh... yeah... I'm a fan!

Darth Vader: You realize anyone could guess this, right?

Me: *shrugs* It's cool!

Darth Vader: *types in the password*

Me: Since when do you have texting gloves?

Darth Vader: Since Phineas and Ferb's last visit.

Me: Ah. Cool!

Darth Vader: *looks through some of my texts with one of my best friends* You two are strange. *reads my texts*

Friend: Hahaha
You: Hehehe
Friend: I NEED IT!!
You: I HAAD IT!!
Friend: AHHH D'X D'X D'X
You: (Idk if you've noticed but I'm copying you: only opposite of what you say. X'D 'XD X'D)
Friend: Whyyyyy
You: Okay idk how to copy this one...
Friend: Hehe good!
You: eheH doog!
Friend: Lol
You: loL
You: This is fun! X'D
Friend: Haha
You: ahaH

Me: Yeah... we're crazy...

Darth Vader: The other day I was reading your Legolas and Thranduil short stories.

Me: Oh really?

Darth Vader: Yeah. Pretty good, by the way.

Me: Thanks! Anyways, you were going to say...

Darth Vader: Did you and your friend (same one in this chapter) really have Middle-Earth characters text each other?

Me: Yup! Gollum is always at her house.

Darth Vader: *texts my friend* How's Gollum?

Me: Oh hey, I was just gonna ask her that! XP

Darth Vader: Oh dear.

Me: What?

Darth Vader: The pod race is coming up. And your friend says: "He's good I think. Lol".

Me: *grabs phone and texts back* Lol he practically lives there and you don't know how he is? XD

Darth Vader: Maybe Parker got to him.

Me: Oh, that werewolf better not have hurt him!

Kili: *appears* Do you two do this often? Watch TV, take turns texting on the same phone and all that?

Me: Yeah, pretty much. Lunch time is usually the craziest.

Darth Vader: What she means is that she's the craziest at lunch time: after she's had her coffee and/or chocolate milk.

Me: Yeah... *giggles* Hey! I wonder something.

Darth Vader: What?

Me: God knows the name of all the stars: but the stars never end... how is that possible?!

Darth Vader: He's God. He knows everything: even things beyond our comprehension.

Me: There are many things beyond my comprehension...

Kili: Yeah, there are.

I: Yep.

Myself: Oh, hello! What's up?

Darth Vader: Oh no...


Me: I guess I assumed you would already know since you are me.

I: What? I didn't assume anything!

You: I am not me! Well, I kinda am I guess... wait, I, you assumed that I already knew?

Myself: Wow, you all have really bad grammar!

I: No, what we meant was-

We: *appeared* What do you mean? You all are so confusing!

You: I'm the only you here! This is confusing me!

Me: Yeah... I am a little confused.

I: No, it's I is when referring to someone else. I am confused though.

Kili: *laughs* I love when this happens. I don't know why it freaks my uncle out.

Darth Vader: Great, the pod races are starting. I really can't stand that stupid-

Me: Yeah, me either! Ugh!

We: You didn't say that right!

You: What? I didn't say anything!

I: What, no, I didn't- why said I did?

Who: *appears* I said nothing.

I: Yeah, I just said that...

Kili: *whispers to Vader* Is everyday like this?

Darth Vader: *whispers back* Pretty much.

My Awesome Book Of Randomness & Complete Craziness 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora