Dalek in a Cake

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Darth Vader: Dalek in a Cake is the title?

Me: Eeyup!

Darth Vader: I thought we were going to watch Doctor Who.

Me: We are! I'm gonna be on here while I watch it.

Darth Vader: You're going to be on your Kindle and Laptop at the same time?

Me: I'm a girl: I can multitask better than you can, Darthy. Anyways, the same rules from the previous chapter apply for this tag as well. I was once again tagged by BlueNerdWriter. Allons-y!

Darth Vader: Question 1-

Me: Oh no!

Darth Vader: What?

Me: I remember what episode we're on.

Darth Vader: Which one?

Me: Season 1 episode 3, The Unquiet Dead! This one FREAKS ME OUT MAN!

Darth Vader: Seriously?

Me: Only in the dark.

Darth Vader: It isn't dark.

Me: No, but my window is open because of the whole no air conditioning situation, and my door can't close all the way, so dark is surrounding me!

Darth Vader: Your bedroom light is on. You'll be fine. The only thing you have to fear is your imagination. Which also scares me sometimes.

Me: You? Scared?

Darth Vader: Forget I even said that.

Me: Said what?

Darth Vader: *smiles* Anyways, question 1: Favorite episode of Doctor Who?

Me: Oh, oh, uh... hmmm... lemme think... maybe Planet of the Ood? Oh! I love the one with the werewolf/Queen Victoria... there are too many to list! As I'm watching Doctor Who I'll make a list of my favorites. I love when The Doctor and Rose first meet!

     "What's your name?"

     "Rose Tyler."

     "Nice to meet you Rose Tyler! Run!"

Haha!!! XD I love the Doctor no matter what he looks like. Though Ten will always be my fave!

Darth Vader: Question 2-


Darth Vader: Yes, you've already seen this one at least three times.

Me: *laughs sheepishly* Sorry... continue.

Darth Vader: Would you rather be a Dalek or Cyberman?

Me: Dalek.

Darth Vader: *thinks to himself* That's the shortest answer she's ever given. *to Me* Question 3: Travel with the Fourth Doctor or the Twelfth Doctor?

Me: Hmm... Twelve is a bit more grouchy... but I think I'd travel with Twelve.

Darth Vader: Question 4: Favorite Soda?

Me: Sierra Mist's Cranberry Splash! It only comes out around Thanksgiving and Christmas. But it's the best! Otherwise, I love Doctor Pepper. And Cherry Vanilla Pepsi.

Darth Vader: Mountain Dew is good.

Me: No wonder you're always choking people... you really need to find something else to do when you're hyper.

Darth Vader: Question 5: Favorite Classic Doctor?

Me: FOUR! I love him and his silly scarf! ^-^ I freaked out when I saw Tom Baker in that one episode when 11 meets 10 and they go back to see the 'Forgotten Doctor': the one where you see ALL of the Doctors.

Darth Vader: That is one of my favorite episodes.

Me: Aye!

Darth Vader: Question 6: Sarah Jane or Martha Jones?

Me: Sarah Jane.

Darth Vader: Question 7: Travel with the Doctor for however long you survive or get to be with your favorite character for two months?

Me: The Doctor. And with him protecting me, I'm sure I'd survive! XP

Darth Vader: Question 8: Elijah Mikaelson or Klaus Mikaelson?

Me: I have no idea. Neither...

Darth Vader: Question 9-

Me: HAHA! IN DOCTOR WHO PEOPLE SUDDENLY START SCREAMING BECAUSE OF THE GHOST LADY AND THE DOCTOR IS ALL LIKE: "Now that's more like it!" HAHAHA!!! I LOVE HIM SO MUCH! Nine is definitely one of my favorite Doctors. <3 <3

HAHA! Then he's talking and suddenly says, "I'm The Doctor, by the way." Haha!

Sorry. Anyways...

Darth Vader: Minecraft or Call of Duty?

Me: Uh... I LOVE both of them! But I'll go with Minecraft. I almost finished building a Hobbit Hole today. XP While watching Star Wars: The Clone Wars. I also wanna build the Star Ship Enterprise, and I wanna build the Death Star!

Darth Vader: *smiles* Question 10: Sent to jail for a crime you didn't commit, or converted to a Cyberman?

Me: Jail. Next question!

Darth Vader: 11: Favorite Doctor Who monster?

Me: If by favorite you mean creepiest... WEEPING ANGELS!!!!

Darth Vader: Question 12: Vampire of Werewolf?

Me: I've always loved both: but if you're meaning the ones from Doctor Who then most definitely the Werewolf! :D

Darth Vader: Question 13: Favorite animal?

Me: Uh... any kind of cat, big or small, wild or domestic. And I really love platypi/platypuses! :D :D :D

I tag:



##a_allowed##a_allowed href="https://www.wattpad.com/user/JesusSaves17" ## JesusSaves17

Is it just me, or is it ssssoooo funny when Rose is yelling at that guy in episode three of season one? Because back in those days women didn't/ weren't aloud to do that, right? Yeah, I think. Lol XP

Darth Vader: I'm going to get off of here and pay attention to the Doctor Who episode. Goodbye.

Me: Ooh, I'm coming! Goodbye ppls! God bless you! :) *disappears*

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