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This is Lyncoln Abraham Elishama, my baby boy!!!! He's so cute and so sweet!!!! And mischievous

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This is Lyncoln Abraham Elishama, my baby boy!!!! He's so cute and so sweet!!!! And mischievous. Not even two yet!!! But soon in the end of May or close to that!!! Difficult to tell since he's a rescue kitten. He's an adult but still looks like a kitten in the face!!!! But he's ssssooo big!!!! *baby talks him*

Darth Vader: He looks annoyed.

He's all like, "Mom, I'm not a kitten anymore!"

He's all like, "Mom, I'm not a kitten anymore!"

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That is Precious. She's pretty- but moody. So's her sister. And since they're older than my baby they think they can be mean to him. Well NOT ON MY WATCH!!!! *pulls out spray bottle* Hehe... Don't tell Daddy Will!!

That's the sister of Precious, Hannah (or Hannah Bell, as Will calls her)

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That's the sister of Precious, Hannah (or Hannah Bell, as Will calls her). Yeah- Mom and Dad call them the girls. So when they call for them, my three sisters and I think they mean us... But nope! They mean our cat sisters.

Darth Vader: You call those things your sisters?

Hey, if the dog is our Mom's baby and our sister, then so are those evil felines! Ha! The evil stepsisters!! XD Speaking of the dog...

Hey, if the dog is our Mom's baby and our sister, then so are those evil felines! Ha! The evil stepsisters!! XD Speaking of the dog

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There's Precious Jewel! We call her plain Jewel though. Good thing, too; since we now have a cat named Precious.

 Good thing, too; since we now have a cat named Precious

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And just one more picture of my favorite!

Darth Vader: So does this make you mom a grandmother to a cat? And Will a grandfather?

Yup! But he calls himself daddy to Lynx... He refuses to be called a grandpa. XP

Darth Vader: So Rachel was born a aunt.... To a cat?

Yup!!!! HE'S SSSSOOOO CUTE!!!!! And my baby. SO DON'T HURT HIM!!!!!!!!!

Darth Vader: Or what?

Last Sith to hurt my cat (Darth Maul) got choked. *glares*

Darth Vader: ... He's a cat-

HE'S MY BABY!!!!!!!!

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