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Me: Hmm... I feel like writing something on here, but I'm not sure what. I know I should update In Dreams, and I'd like to, but there are also so many other things I'd like to write; including a Doctor Who fanfiction, a Doctor Who, X-Men and Middle-Earth Crossover Fanfiction, and a fanfiction with all of my favorite fandoms. Oh, and Star Wars- a story about Darth Vader.

Darth Vader: Why would you write a story about me?

Me: Because. I want to write about you as you adjusted to being Vader and not Anakin. I have so many ideas for so many fanfictions- and even stories of my own- that I'm unable to write it seems!

Darth Vader: You're writing now.

Me: Not including this book! This book isn't even an actual story... it's just- well, a lot of silly randomness!

Darth Vader: Why not write what you feel like writing?

Me: Yeah, I could do that. But I feel that I need to update In Dreams! I mean, I have been working on it for awhile now. I need to get back to it. Ugh! Author problems!

     Oh, by the way, my good friend Bearbear025 has published her first story! It's a Percy Jackson Head Canon type story. I've never read Percy Jackson, but I liked the story she wrote. Now I really wanna read the Percy Jackson series. Anyways, her story is titled Just A Whole Bunch Of Head Canons. You should go check her out, because she is just so awesome and amazing! Had we never become friends, I wouldn't be random like this! Everything I learned about randomness came from her!

Darth Vader: Ah, so I have her to thank for all of this. *sarcastic*

Me: Oh, Darthy, you know you love me. *smiles*

Darth Vader: *rolls eyes, but is smirking*

Me: Hmm... what story to work on... In Dreams, oh! There's also this one I've been wanting to write for awhile about Thranduil and his wife. It's gonna be sad. *smiles and laughs evilly*

Darth Vader: You're an evil author. Not that I mind.

Me: Yeah... I am! Haha! Although I'm more mean than evil. Maybe. I don't know. Anywho... A story to write... a story to write... I also thought of writing a story about a dog. Like, not even about people. Just the life of a dog; what this certain dog has been through from the time it was a puppy all the way up to the time it's all grown up and old.

Darth Vader: A dog? Why would you write a story about a dog?

Me: Haven't you ever read The Call of the Wild or White Fang? Yeesh! They're about dogs and they're amazing books! Love 'em! I also love all of my horse books! Which takes up a whole shelf.

Darth Vader: Only because you don't have all of them out yet.

Me: Yeah... this bookshelf is a bit small. Or I have a lot of books.

Darth Vader: It's both.

Me: I'd have more room... but that would mean moving The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, Dragons in our Midst, Oracles of Fire, Children of the Bard, Reapers, Starlighter, Third Starlighter, and my other books about dragons... and my Schleich T-Rex and Velociraptor... *stops, shocked*

Darth Vader: What?


Darth Vader: This laptop's lack of words is disturbing.

Me: Agreed!

Darth Vader: I'm going to watch Doctor Who. *leaves*

Me: Ooh! I think I'll join you! *disappears*

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